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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I have never used a starter. I put a container outside and fill it with water. Eventually stuff falls in it and daphnia appear. I don't always bother seeding it with green water, or grass. It is said dried blood is good too. The success of this method depends on where you live I suspect.
  2. Sorry to hear that but that is why, if I had a loaded tank, I would have more than one filter working for times like this &c:ry Hope they are able to fix it quickly. In the meantime, water changes!
  3. Well, yes but you didn't say "Where are the goddamn fireworks in this forum" did you?
  4. New year greetings to all. I was awake at midnight but only because it was too hot to sleep. Did not bother going out or watching fireworks. Woken early when Grant got called out.
  5. Sorry to hear that. How many hiding spots do you have? If, as rabbit suggests, it was a dominance issue, you need to make sure there are places for fish to hide if they start on the next smallest BN. I have never had dominance problems with BNs. They will fight over food but never hurt each other.
  6. Is she otherwise acting normally? Females do not have bristles. Some have short spikes around the mouth but others do not. BNs also change colour, get pale, look patchy - all is normal for them.
  7. Yes, the BNs will change colour and patterns. Nothing wrong with them.
  8. If you want to courier it up to us Grant will look at it for you and see if it repairable (no cost to see what it wrong with it) then tell you, depending on age and what's broke, what it will cost to repair and/or if parts are available (if needed). He is an electronics technician and has been repairing such things for around 50 years so knows what he is doing :dnc1: Send to G Simpson, 8a Faulkland Drive, Blenheim, 7201.
  9. No we do not see them here as we have little of the habitat they like here. They are down the Sounds and Pelorus. We get fantails here but not tui and certainly not wood pigeons, or rosellas.
  10. Yes. Don't know. Do a search in the forum & you will find some in past photo competitions.
  11. Grant can probably do it for you as he repairs radio receivers. I will ask when he gets home late tonight. Spent a week in Golden Bay then first day home he gets called out - to Mt Burnett in Golden Bay!
  12. You are quite correct. I was tired when naming some of the pics and got it mixed up with the tui in the rimu. It is, indeed, in flax :smln:
  13. No, not a beer or advert. This is a shot I took while on holiday. Very pleased with it considering it was on max zoom at the time...
  14. You know when you walk on the beach and little grey bugs scoot out from underfoot? This is one of them... It was about 50mm long
  15. @livingArt :sml1: Season's greetings to all. A bit late as I have been on holiday with no cell phone or internet :dnc1: (didn't miss either of them)
  16. A late welcome from me too (been away with no internet)
  17. By the way, what is an Amercan? :gigl:
  18. For some reason my first thought was Geronihoe :slfg:
  19. Caryl


    I believe it might stand for poor man's dupla drops :bggrn:
  20. Caryl


    Welcome. Some of your fish would enjoy a larger home!
  21. Hi and welcome. I have always found daphnia do not travel well in containers. Others may have some hints to improve the survival rates but when I have tried to transport therm they have died en masse.
  22. Hi and welcome. Good to hear you are learning about maintenance but you also need to do more research on the fish species you have. A RTS is totally unsuitable for such a small tank.
  23. Gorgeous! I bought some cacti last summer and have enjoyed their flowers. It is a pity they do not last long though
  24. I have a complaint! When you put it down, then dump other stuff on top of it, it is hard to find!! :roll:
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