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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. If it eases your mind at all, I once had a danio with dropsy, only one, and it never infected the other fish. By the time I noticed it the pinecone effect was very obvious and it actually died before I got it out of the tank. None of the other fish ever got it and I suspect that one danio had other health problems that led to the dropsy rather than it being an overall water conditions fault.
  2. Welcome to another Darren. If you add your location to your profile it may help in future posts.
  3. I like to keep as much existing water as possible as it is one less thing to worry about when setting up again.
  4. The API test kit is said to be a very good one. Whether it is good value or does what you want will vary depending on the user. Q tank size depends on the type of fish you keep. It needs to be large enough for the largest fish you end up with. You need to check the availability of mini heaters to fit.
  5. I am sure Stella would recommend Koromiko for a freedom camping stopover area. It is on your left, 7.4km from the terminal
  6. We are usually still up at that hour (Grant until after midnight). Do you need a bed(s)?
  7. Everyone is commenting on how much better the tank has been since we re-homed the silver shark and kissing gourami. Staff say the tank is much appreciated and they often wheel patients down and park them in front of the tank so they can sit and absorb the now peaceful scene. Many thanks to Shayne, in Wellington, for sending over more angels to add to our numbers. The staff were all very excited and kept coming to have a look. Here they are waiting for their temperature to equalise... And here is the tank...
  8. Welcome from another Blenheimite. There is a local fish club here you know although we currently don't have regular meetings. We did have a New Year BBQ though at the home of one of our members with a 6ft tropical marine (Sally J is also a member of this forum) 8) Occasionally we organise club runs to Nelson or Christchurch to buy fish or arrange for friends or family to transport fish back and forth as required.
  9. If you need a break halfway - feel free to stop in and visit
  10. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    We have just bought a new car too but since it is neither red nor racy I will not bother with a pic :bggrn: Mazda MPV - grey unfortunately.
  11. Some fish are more sensitive to changes than others. Also, it you did not have as much flow going on at the lower levels, it would affect those fish more perhaps.
  12. Welcome. BikBok that is the usual time you get out of Bettas.
  13. Caryl

    Hi all :)

    Welcome back Amy. We look forward to pics of the progress as the tank is set up.
  14. You could also join your local fish club A lot of nearby interactive help at your doorstep. I believe Camtang, on these forums, is a member of the Tasman Aquarium Club.
  15. Caryl

    Wilson's back

    Definitely exciting times then. Good memories for you too. :thup:
  16. Caryl

    Wilson's back

    and back in Christchurch I see. What have you been up to overseas? Anything exciting?
  17. The central clump was sold for $80. Overall I made $125 for the hospice and they were very pleased. The majority of the plants are still there of course. I was also given 3 angels with another lot coming from Wellington next week :happy2: Many thanks to those who bought plants or donated fish :love:
  18. Caryl

    DIY pleco food

    I thread mine onto an old plastic knitting needle with a small fishing sinker to keep it down.
  19. Note the yellow flag iris is poisonous to humans and other animals. I believe it may also be a pest plant in some regions so check with your council. I have hebes along one edge of my pond and they look lovely too. As do flaxes, although they end up looking messy and get caught up in mower blades.
  20. Gunnera, Chilean rhubarb, is gorgeous. We have a big lot of it growing on a small island in the middle of the stream that runs through a local park but it has invaded coastal cliffs, stream margins, wetlands and slip faces with the large leaves shading out natives. You need to check with your local council to determine its status in your area. As alternatives, the National Pest Plant Accord suggests you look at Swamp Astelia, Astelia grandis, or Chinese rhubarb, Rheum palmatum. :thup:
  21. To answer your water question, we siphoned out as much as we could with the pump then used square edged buckets to scoop out the rest.
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