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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    Kuhli loaches

    But they don't live in an aquarium in the wild either :roll:
  2. First of all we need to know what size your tank is and how many litres. How long has the tank been going with the 10 barbs in it? You say you want bigger fish but the 3 you mention are about the same size as the barbs.
  3. and I am president of Marlborough and VP of Tasman :lol:
  4. Caryl

    Hi from Spink!

    Welcome Spink, I am sure you will enjoy it here
  5. Not worthless at all. I found it interesting although pics would help. Here's a fish market in Hong Kong... http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v144/ ... ?start=all
  6. I don't feed moths - I expect them to find their own food
  7. If you are driving in a sports car at 50kph with the roof down - do not break wind. It is OK at higher speeds but at 50 it seems to get stuck in the vacinity :lol: :roll:
  8. Not sure how you can avoid getting blanketweed apart from making sure you do not get plants from a place that is already infected. It is very hard to eradicate!
  9. 1. Is there an active aquatic club in Western Bay of Plenty - I've heard it is no longer active - anyone know?? Yes there is. Answered in the previous post. 2. The pond is full and being filtered, but is bare of plants and fish. What should I do first? I've been told to get a few plants and a few fish and build up slowly. A pond that size you can add both plants and fish together. The fish will be happier to have places to hide in the plants though so might pay to add them first. 3. Do I need particular plants other than my planned lilies, for pond health? I think I have plenty of surface area of water for fish oxygen supply. I have seen frequent comment about 'oxygen' weed. Do I need this? You do not "need" any particular plants but those described as "good oxygenators" are useful. Read the labels on the plants on the shop as they will have this written on them. Oxygen weed is a good oxygenator (hence the name) and can be gathered from local waterways. be careful not to gather any with weeds attached. 4. What is a WCMM? Lots of mention of this fish, but I don't know what it is. As stated - white cloud mountain minnows, Tanichthys albonubes. Not what I would recommend in a pond as thay are hard to see. 5. If I get a few 'goldfish' from a friend, and he has 'blanket' weed, will I inevitably get this weed too? Is there any way to avoid getting it? Yes 6. Should I get equipment to clean detritis off the bottom of the pond regularly? It would be handy. I haven't got any for my pond yet (about 6,500L) 7. Once the pond is running and I have fish and plants in it, can I just top up for evaporation loss from the tap, or do I need to treat the added water somehow before I add it? I'm presuming the water here is treated with various chemicals. This varies depending on your water source. I don't add anything to mine as we don't have chlorine etc added to our water. In a pond that size I don't think topping up with water that hasn't been dechlorinated will be a problem. Make sure your lilies are not splashed by the water feature as they do not like this. Got some pics of your pond? 8)
  10. I suspect dead spots of bacteria (possibly in the sand). Until you do something about that, just doing water changes won't be enough. If it smells foul, imagine what it must be like to have to live in it!
  11. They will be fine but note the male guppies will go for anything female of any species :lol:
  12. Did you check your water conditions matched those the rummys came from?
  13. If water is fine I suspect internal injury from bullying by the other angel. See if it picks up on its own.
  14. Caryl


    In that case I too say plain fluoros. I use Bright White or Daylight (name depends on brand) and have 4, 4ft fluoros on my 4ft tank.
  15. We will be combining our AGM with Tasman's this Friday evening, 7.30 at 2 Aldinga Ave. Stoke. All welcome. I will be bringing the goods we have so far been donated for conference. Sponsors are being very generous. Well worth attending conference this year!
  16. If your tank is tropical marine I wouldn't add them
  17. I only eat fish if someone gives me some fresh. Don't buy it in the supermarket.
  18. white cloud mountain minnows Tanichthys albonubes
  19. If your tap water is 8 - 8.5 and the fish are used to it, why change? Better to have a stable pH out of the 'desirable' range than to try and alter it and end up with pH swings.
  20. Slightly OT but my uncle is a helicopter pilot of many years experience. When he bought his computer he promptly went and bought a helicopter flight simulator game. He never did manage to fly the copter on screen :lol: Could manage small planes but not the choppers. :-?
  21. Well I got my spelling cos mum wanted to call me Carole and dad wanted Meryl :-?
  22. Caper, the naked man is Chris Downs (christopher in here, husband of Sarah and dad of newtman). Was going to make him centrefold in the magazine but figured people would be blinded by all that whiteness! :lol:
  23. Goldfish don't seem to care much what their pH is, as long as it is stable.
  24. We have been commenting, on another fish forum I belong to, on how many Marks keep fish. We have been numbering them too :lol: I have never met another Caryl but I know there is at least one in town.
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