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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Me neither Barrie but Jesus Christ Superstar, the film, is the only film I have seen more than once (except watching Nemo with the kids several times)
  2. So tell us a couple of the titles wok - to whet the appetite :lol:
  3. Keep the water conditions as good as possible and watch for secondary fungal infections.
  4. A lot of couriers are franchise owners. You can't complain about a whole courier company based on one.
  5. Its scales have dropped off. We need to work out why. It cuold be ill or maybe it has been frightened and got jammed in the decor somewhere, removing the scales in the process. Anything in the tank it could have got stuck in? This is what I suspect since the damage is pretty even over both sides of the fish and I assume it is the only one like it?
  6. If required, you can use a peg to hold the container to the side of the tank. I do that to stop it floating under the lid where I can't reach it, or where the return bar may be able to fill it with water making it sink.
  7. If you transfer fish and water to your planted tank you will also transfer the hair algae
  8. Yeah you're in it Stella (or your article is anyway). I actually have 2 native articles this time. Should have saved one for next issue but got a bit over-excited :roll: Barrie is right :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. Am almost finished printing the YB then will start on the AW. Always late in August as I have to collate the YB info, attach membership cards etc. Doesn't help that I am working full time at the moment either so please be patient. You will get your magazines before the month is out. I will let you know when they get posted. Thank you to those who sent fillers, wordfinds, and articles. Much appreciated. Keep it up please
  10. So after eating all the stuff in the fish cupboard the illness has nothing to do with it?? :roll: At least they know what it is and can, I assume, treat it successfully. My daughter's new kitten has cost her over $1,000 in vet bills (inc being spayed and micro chipped) only to discover it has some feline incurable disease and will not live for much longer. It is only 6 months old and will not make it's first birthday
  11. I left mine and most were fine (no way I could catch them). Quite adept at keeping out of bigger mouths.
  12. We had a lovely sunny morning here but it is raining again now. I have never seen it rain this much for so long in Marlborough :roll: On a side note - my neighbour must have named her baby after you Afrikan (and no, she didn't call her Afrikan either :lol: )
  13. It is always best to separate a sick or injured fish to treat it. I would not use salt at all.
  14. and skin cancer. We will all die of mould I suspect if this keeps up :roll: We usually get 60mm of rain a month at this time of year. This year we have had 150mm :-?
  15. Don't know what the lump is (could be something infected from inside or outside the body, or a tumour) but the cotton wool is a secondary infection. I don't know the names of meds to use sorry but find one that says it is for fungal infections (to treat the wool)
  16. Thank you all for the response. The Year Book is being printed so it is too late to make any more changes now
  17. The water is dropping. Here's a before and after of the "muriel" Gives you an idea of the water levels.
  18. Thanks. I will remove them from the discount list then as a new name probably means new owners. I think Pet Mania (Browns Bay) is another one gone? Anyone confirm?
  19. I cannot find, in the White Pages, the following. I assume they no longer exist. Anyone able to confirm? Living Waters (Tauranga) Pick A Pet (Papamoa)
  20. I used bleach to clean my filter. Rinsed it a lot then sat the bits in sunlight.
  21. I thought Pokemon was a Jamaican proctologist
  22. Hi there. Pics are always good too
  23. Hard to tell as common names vary from country to country. We certainly have sunset platys here but usually a colour morph of the X maculatus. Xiphophorus variatus are a bit bigger than the "common" X.maculatus It is also possible it is a molly perhaps?
  24. Our place is built on the old river bed so water drains very quickly. The pond did not overflow as water just ran over the rocks around the edge and disappeared.
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