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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. The original 1978 version reef? Gee Debbie must be at least 50 by now :lol:
  2. He is right, nothing wrong with 7.2. Schist will not alter your pH either.
  3. Sunny today thank goodness. I have a week's worth of washing to get dry!
  4. I suggest you contact Campbell Live and Closeup. Another angle on the result of finance company's failure. I am sure they wil be interested.
  5. Yes but not with other so called "community" fish
  6. My under tank heat pad heats the tank to temperature.
  7. Wait until the tank has been running for at least 6 months before you add a loach. This means they will have stuff to graze on as they move about. They like a tank that has been running a while. Any of the small fish would suit your tank. Have you thought about the smaller species of danios, tetras and barbs?
  8. It is one very unhappy gourami and the situation will only get worse. Blues are more aggressive than the others for some reason. Are the blues male? They are worse. The rocking may be a result of injury or its way of appearing less threatening to the more aggressive fish. If the bullying doesn't settle down you may have to rehome the victim.
  9. No need to feel stink. I am anti medications if they can be avoided (I even hate taking them myself) and just wanted to make it clear. Others would say to treat "just in case". It is a personal choice, not a matter of right or wrong.
  10. We have an under tank homemade heatpad the tank sits on, a little different to the undergravel cables that run through the substrate which is what most people mean when they refer to undergravel heating. Works well and is economical as heat rises.
  11. I did not say to treat it in case it gets fungus! I said keep the water conditions as good as possible and keep an eye out for fungal infections. Only treat for that if it develops.
  12. I answered this in the other section you posted. Organism stock Fluvals, as do, I think, Bubble & Squeak, Critter Kingdom and possibly Animates. Use your phone book and ring local lfs.
  13. Ring the lfs in ChCh to see who deals in them. Organism stock Fluval. Bubble & Squeak do I think and possibly Critter Kingdom. Animates?
  14. That's right Salmonkid. The cardinals are also a little bit larger as adults.
  15. We find the customers with the most money are the ones who take longest to pay their bills.
  16. You can get some really good deals as many upgrade to each new model so lots of 2nd hand cameras going for good prices.
  17. Why ask? I would just take and if anyone comments tell them you are just doing regular pruning :lol: Unless it is part of some experimental thing and being dosed with something
  18. Goldfish need big tanks as they are very messy and produce a lot of waste. Your tank will be too small for them. A 3ft tank is minimum for 3 goldfish, preferably 4ft (250L)
  19. We sell a lot of Canons and every customer has been happy with their purchase. Husband has one too (although I love my Sony I might be getting one of the new Canon DSLRs soon). Everyone on this site who has a Canon is also happy with them. Easy choice isn't it? Get the best model you can afford.
  20. There are clubs in Auckland and one is on the North Shore. I would direct you to the club page for details but it needs updating! I will post club meeting details when I get home tonight - unless someone does it beforehand. Welcome to the fishroom.
  21. I must agree - wok is very trying :lol: Will be spending this evening attaching membership cards to the YBs. Hope fully the weekend will see the AW printed, added to the YB then bagged :roll:
  22. Grant still laughs at the review they did on computer monitors. The only difference between the highest rated and the lowest was the name label stuck on the front! They both came off the same assembly line :roll:
  23. HA HA caught you out! Only one of those articles was from Stella! :lol:
  24. Fair Go doesn't always get it right either :roll:
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