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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. You say you found a dead platy in there. How long had it been there? That would cause an ammonia spike as it fouled the water. The extra water changes are always the first defense against high ammonia readings. What sort of Aqua One filters are they? If they are the small internal type these clog very quickly (my Shark ones certainly do) and I only use them as spares or back-ups.
  2. Nothing. We are boring old farts now :lol: No :roll:
  3. What sort of macro lens? Grant has just bought a Canon EOS 450D and it came with a 75-300mm lens. He is looking at getting the 55-250 stabilised lens and has found some Chinese ones for half the price of Canon but doesn't know if they are any good.
  4. I get my driftwood from the mouth of the Hokitika river. It washes down the river then gets stuck in the sand where it gets washed by the sea. The wood doesn't absorb salt so as long as you give it a good rinse before adding it to the tank it will be fine.
  5. Have you checked the temperature? Sudden changes can trigger fungus like that.
  6. You obviously married the wrong guy :lol:
  7. Any possibility of something toxic having got into the tank? Seems to me they have been poisoned by something. Anyone spray anything?
  8. Oops, she did name her husband didn't she? :oops: Sorry Kim and welcome!
  9. Welcome Nora and husband. You should consider joining one of the ChCh fish clubs. This site is not a "club" itself as such but is run by the FNZAS to which many clubs belong.
  10. The original castle might have had a moat! :lol:
  11. False advertising then. I watched the whole thing waiting to see how they did the aquarium Very interesting, though I think it would have been cheaper to build the castle from scratch :roll:
  12. No idea, I just glanced up when I heard the words "fish tank" :lol:
  13. TV3 at 7.30pm tonight has some people building a house with a 3m x 1m aquarium in it. Might be worth a look
  14. There is little bacteria in the water itself. Small and frequent water changes would be better, assuming you are having an ammonia spike due to the cleaning.
  15. It isn't too chilly here in Marlborough over summer. Night temps by late Jan go down to about 15C at least but usually around 18C. Daytime temps the pool is hotter than the tank inside :roll: I don't cover it as then the insects can't get it - live food. The oxygen weed is gathered from the local river that runs through town. It is just weighted down with rocks, not planted. Last time I did rosy barbs outside there were 6 put in (from memory) and about 276 removed.
  16. For those who want to try breeding those tropicals that tolerate cooler waters (eg barbs), the red shed has 20% off all pools today. 183 x 38cm diameter rigid sided pools are $17.49 each. Ideal for fish breeding. I will consider throwing my golden barbs, odessa barbs and rosy barbs outside (into 3 separate ponds) mid January. I have found fish bred outside in ponds grow faster, bigger, and are more brightly coloured than those found in lfs
  17. The Priests - my dad appreciated his gift 8)
  18. It should cope with a 3 day blackout. if not, it will send up new shoots afterwards.
  19. Cork is used as backgrounds so I doubt it is toxic. Not sure if it would be suitable as filter media though as it would be too dense (and float)
  20. Seasons greetings to you all and may Christmas Day be peaceful. To those who plan to over-indulge - Praise the lard :lol:
  21. You must keep an eye on it as it dies fast so you need to keep cleaning it out at least once a day for 3 or 4 days (depending on how bad it is). Erythromycin is a prescription only antibiotic and you get it from a Dr (if he will give you some). I know a couple of doctors who are able to give me a few tablets when required. In fact I have a pill bottle here with this written on the label: Mr Guppy Take one tablet with food once daily until tank clears :lol: Another bottle has; Add to tank until fish float to the surface then stop :roll: :lol: Am happy to send you some if you want spink
  22. Caryl


    Good to see you found your way back.
  23. Can we stick to the topic please, and in English?
  24. It is important to siphon the dead stuff out often as soon as it starts dying off (which is within hours)
  25. No it isn't but alanmin4304 said he had problems after using it and lost quite a few fish I think.
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