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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Luckiy I don't have any job horror stories but congratulations on your new job! I am sure you will enjoy it. It is a great opportunity for people watching so it shouldn't suck too much.
  2. I don't think angels need to relieve themselves do they? Had to wash the sheets again, twice, and even after using Bio Luvil there are still some marks left. Not sure what they had been eating or whether the splats changed colour thanks to the blue sheets and the original droppings were actually red. Plenty of red berries around and flowers :roll: Haven't ever seen a pigeon stop in midair :lol:
  3. ...You have a full line of washing (sheets in my case) and a flock of birds flies over depositing great splashes of bright purple poo all over the clean wash! At least I hope it was a flock, hate to think a single bird could deposit that much! :evil: They managed to hit every sheet! :roll: At least it is hot and sunny so it won't take long to dry them again after they come out of the machine for the second time. 31C at the moment. I was going to mow the lawns but think I will wait until evening.
  4. Caryl

    'Nother Noob

    Upgrade - you know you want to!!! 8)
  5. I have never seen an orphaned orange before. Very nice :lol:
  6. I am surprised you kept 22 goldfish in a bath to start with. I assume the majority are on the smaller size? Other wise they must be greatly overstocked. Your standard regime is terrible! :lol: But it has obviously worked for a long time :roll: . I used to have goldfish in a bowl (gasp!) and once a week I would fill a bucket with cold water (bore water so very cold) empty the fish into it then scrub out the bowl and gravel with soapy water, rinse, then fill up with more bore water and drop the fish back in. They survived that too! I guess the fish didn't know this wasn't the right thing to do - I know I certainly didn't! :lol: Mel's suggestion of the overflow regularly is a good one and you are less likely to have the same trouble again. Although the council say the chlorine level hasn't changed, I wonder if someone flushed the water supply to your area with something else. To have so many die so fast indicates something toxic in the water to me. Out of curiosity, was it mainly the larger fish that died or the smaller ones?
  7. If the cycling is done correctly there is no discomfort to the fish. Unfortunately, many do not do it correctly. :-?
  8. Caryl


    Hi. Sounds like you might be at the beginning of MTS (multiple tank sybdrome). Beware, there is no cure except to buy more tanks!! 8)
  9. We do organise molly hunts to the region every couple of years or so. There are old threads with pics and all. Last time we went the area had a For Sale sign on it. Don't know if it has sold. You may have difficulty with local maori who will take exception to you removing fish from the area but I don't know if they actually own the land/swamp the fish are in. We out numbered them on the hunt so they weren't a problem 8)
  10. Caryl


    Hi Don and welcome. I am sure you will learn plenty - even if some of it contradicts other bits :lol:
  11. Very nice but I agree with Stella. The substrate needs to match the background. A darker substrate will also better show up the fish colours.
  12. What's left of summer? It has barely started! I would suggest; Golden barbs (doing them this year) Odessa barbs (doing them this year and did them a couple of years ago) Ruby or rosy barbs (did them a couple of years ago) Green barbs 18C+ 2 spot barbs 15C+ Corydoras paleatus 18C+ Hoplos 18C+ whiptail loricaria 16C+ Zebra danios 18C+ Bengal danios 16C+ Botia superciliaris 16C+ Hill stream loach 13C+ Guppies 18C+ and, of course, white clouds and paradisefish I bred mine in a pool too, not a tank. Lots more room to grow
  13. I have used a garden hose to do 50% water changes in my African tank. They didn't mind it running full blast and very cold. The temperature and pH change didn't seem to bother them in the least. They played in the current like dogs sticking their heads out a car window :lol: Our water here doesn't have chlorine in it. I believe Auckland's does. I knew a goldfish breeder in Auckland who never worried about the chlorine. He said his fish were used to it and he had no intention of adding chlorine removers or anything else to his tanks. He also used a garden hose.
  14. Since they are in his tank I would say so :lol: Very nice Boban_nz
  15. I'm with DavidR on this one. The carpark is owned by the supermarket and they pay a huge amounts in rates etc so are well within their rights. I bike everywhere, no need to find a parking space Our local NW has a McDs in the corner of the carpark. The supermarket as a bike stand outside it plus McDs also has a bike stand. The supermarket stand doesn't have any signage and the other day when I arrived it was full so I parked my bike at the McD's stand. I did wonder, since their stand has a notice saying it was for McD customers only, what they would do about it and whether they clamped bikes :lol: If I returned from my shopping to find McDs had removed my bike, or clamped it in some way, and demanded a fine to release my bike it would be a fair cop. I would be annoyed but they would be within their rights. I felt very guilty for parking in their bike stand since I wasn't using their services (I often use their loo too) but it didn't stop me from doing it :roll:
  16. Mine spawn in the oxygen weed. They also like the undersides of flat leaves like lilies. My dad used to throw in plastic pot scrubs. Anything to create a wide surface for them to lay on the underside.
  17. Caryl

    Pond pH

    Well the JBL stuff has done absolutely nothing as far as I can see. Hard to get the dose right as we don't know exactly how much water is in the pond but we calculated 5,600L and the bottle treated 6,000L so we emptied the whole bottle in. Interesting your article appears to say you have to get rid of the algae first. Defeats the point of adding it in my case :roll:
  18. Rozski you must be downsizing incorrectly. You should be able to resize the pixels without dropping the kbs that much.
  19. It isn't recognising the hardware setup. Go to Start, Control Panel, then click on System. Under system properties, click on Hardware then device manager. It should have a list of stuff in there. It will start at the top in alphabetical order. Partway down you should find DVD/CD Rom drives or similar. Now, assuming that's there, click on the wee + sign beside that it should show you the DVD manufacturer. If it isn't there, the plus sign isn't there, or the DVD/CD Rom category is not there, that means the drive is not being recognised as existing at all. You need to go back to who you got it from in that case as they have done something wrong or have not used a compatible make or model. It is possible special drivers are required but not normally.
  20. Put a commercial music CD in and see if that plays (not a home made one). This will show you if the drive itself is working. However, if autoplay is turned off go to Start, My Computer and see if the CD is listed there. It should have something like CD or DVD Drive listed. If it has, click on it and you should see a list of track numbers. Double click on one and it should play. This will show us that the drive actually exists, as far as XP is concerned, and that it can read a music disc which should be one of the easiest things to do. Let us know how you get on with this and we will go from there
  21. Caryl

    Mollies, just ID

    I haven't kept mollies for years but the sailfins I remember had much larger fins than those pictured. Quite possibly they are hybrids, who knows?
  22. Caryl

    Mollies, just ID

    Most mollies are Poecilia sphenops. The different colours are just morphs of the same species. You can also get lyre tailed versions. There are also sailfin mollies P velifera.
  23. Caryl

    Pond pH

    As far as I know the barley straw gets rid of green water, not cyano. It will get rid of fry food too Dixon1990 but they are quite a size now and able to eat flake food. There seems to be a shortage of daphnia this year. I usually have plenty but not this year for some reason. :-?
  24. Caryl

    Pond pH

    Everyone seems to be out of peat at the moment so it will have to wait. I threw in some JBL CleroPond today. It says it quickly produces crystal clear pond water and eliminates green water discolouration. We will see. I was going to add barley straw extract but the shop sold the last one yesterday. Seems I am not the only one with green water at the moment but with the sun and heat lately I am not surprised. There seemed to be a number of products to remove algae but I chose one that specified green water (and it was cheaper ). It was also the right amount to add the whole container full so no measuring required 8) It warns not to use if your water is under 7pH as it can cause a drop in pH so it will be interesting to see if mine drops from the 8+ it is currently :-? Will keep you posted! :bounce: Just checked pond temps. Paddling pool filled at the weekend is 26C (same as air temp which is finally dropping) and big pond is 23C
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