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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I very rarely go to the movies but recently went with kids to see Madagascar 2. It made me laugh. Gotta love the penguins! [i]"Do you take each other for better or worse?" "Better please" :lol: I also went to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Still not sure whether I can say I liked it or not but it was thought provoking and sure stayed in my mind for a long time. Excellent acting from all cast and the special effects were fascinating. Could have been a lot shorter though as it was 3 hrs. I've never seen Brad Pitt in a movie (told you I don't go often) but was very impressed with his acting ability in this one. Can see why he gets nominated for awards.
  2. It isn't that easy. There is a process you must go through to get permission to work here.
  3. Have you disabled the anti virus software while doing the installation?
  4. Caryl


    Just did some temperature taking out of curiosity. Outside temperature 32C Paddling pools (with odessas and golden barbs spawning) 27C goldfish pond 22C (had a top up yesterday) lounge 29C lounge tank 26C. It is built into a wall unit so seems to keep a lower temperature. Computer room 26C (air con recently turned on. Was 28C)
  5. Whichever you think would be most benefit. I use as much ceramic media as possible.
  6. What OS are you using? When you say the download doesn't work, in what way? Does it download then not install or what? Is there an error message? Does it complete the installation and then not work?
  7. I think it shows she is starting to show her true colours after being a little pale from the bag and trip home. The line is called the lateral line.
  8. Wait for others to agree first before thanking me. I know it is rare but I am occasionally - wrong :roll:
  9. Thanks Stella. That group of kids has me in it too I am the one at the left. To me the fish in 3 and 4 looked like the same species, at the time we were observing them, so we will go with banded kokopu. We also thought the pair were most likely inanga. We had such great fun and plan to go again in April as a fish expert from DOC will be available then (she is currently in Antarctica) to take us on a guided trip. I am sure all who went this time will be willing to go again (just about had to drag some of them away as it was) and a good opportunity for those who missed the first outing. As well has hunting out native fish, it was low tide so we were able to get around to the rockpools and have a poke around in them, then we searched the nearby caves for dragons and vampire bats (great disappointment when we found neither).
  10. Some filters need less cleaning than others and depending on the fish and plant load, won't get that dirty. My filter has just been cleaned for the first time in over 12 months. I see no need to clean a filter until the return water flow slows down.
  11. Welcome dreamer. It is getting harder to get into NZ and you have to qualify on some sort of points system I believe. I have an English friend trying to do this too with no luck so far. Very little going job-wise in the aquarium trade I think with poor pay.
  12. Well, despite the night temperatures dropping to 10C, as soon as I added my tropicals to the pond, I notice the odessas were spawning this morning. Hopefully the golden barbs will do so too. They have the leftover plants from my 4ft tropical I cleaned out last weekend plus yesterday I gathered oxygen weed from the river and have weighted it down in the ponds with rocks. The fish don't seem to mind young Liam (Jude's grandson. The 2 of them have been visiting here) playing with a motorised boat in their pond either :lol:
  13. Tell me who you are looking for Jim or what you want to do. I like doing secret squirrel stuff
  14. We went with our torches to see what we could see. We saw lots of fish, glow worms and wetas. We didn't see any eels or carnivorous land snails. Have a look here to see what we got up to. If anyone can name the fish that would be good. I think the pair are whitebait.
  15. Pufferfishnz the BBQ was last Saturday! We had a great time with about 14 people attending. We were sheltered from most of the wind in our garden corner and nobody fell in the fish pond. I did go wading at one point as I was asked how deep it was. I can now tell you - it is exactly knee deep (if they are my knees) :lol: A new president will be voted in at the AGM in March, along with the other positions. We decided it was easier to wait until then than call a special meeting to appoint a replacement for a couple of months. If you wish to put yourself forward as president (or any of the other positions) please let us know, or if you know of someone you think will be suitable 8)
  16. NEVER medicate a fish unless you are sure of the disease for which you are medicating. Does this sound like it?... Gas Bubble Disease is caused by a sudden dramatic change in gas pressure in the aquarium. This can happen by changing too much water at one time or by adding cold water to the fish tank. Gas bubbles form in the fins and skin of the fish. The bubbles look like blisters and are very easy to see. The skin will crackle if you run your finger across it. If not treated in time, gas bubbles in the bloodstream will kill the fish. The treatment is to add alot of aeration to the aquarium. Lights should be left off to minimize stress. If you see alot of bubbles that have already popped, consider adding a general antibiotic to guard against secondary infection
  17. Should i seperate the baby fish who are not bloated or off balance and feed them as usual while the others go on their shelled pea diet? No Another "silly" question but how many peas for 4 med sized goldfish? There are no "silly" questions. Start with one pea. If they eat it all add another etc until they stop eating the peas (assuming they have been willing to eat peas in the first place. Some won't). Their scales are not sticking out- that i can tell- as they are constantly on the go!!! What does it mean if they are? Looking like a pinecone (when seen from above) can be a sign of dropsy. Sorry if i offended anyone with my "pregnancy" question You did not offend anyone!
  18. I have lots of plants left over. One of our club members is about to set up their 6ft tank again so they need all the plant they can get.
  19. ...After I stripped their tank down this afternoon! They have never had it so bright 8) The plants had got so overgrown there was not much swimming space. Root systems were tangling everywhere and the rotala and some other plants had taken over. Here it is before I started... It was a good opportunity to find out what I had in there as it was hard to see many fish at once. I knew I had a few bristlenose fry. I found 16 I had one more golden barb than I started with and these have now gone out to the paddling pool The odessas had had more fry than I thought too and numbered 16. The big ones went into the other paddling pool Missing were 2 hengelis (one was found in the fliter) and 3 rummy noses. Total overall was 66 fish. Since a number are being housed elsewhere for a while, there are currently 28 fish back in the tank (I think) :roll: Anyone want BN fry? Common brown variety.
  20. I haven't got a tank for mine either but will have to get one now :lol: After we return from overseas I will be in touch with TM as he makes lovely tanks
  21. Anyone know what this bug is? :-?
  22. I just sent my son down to Animates to get me a Fluval FX5 and media, after you lot said they were half price. Haven't got a tank to put it on but it pays to have a spare filter lying about doesn't it? :lol:
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