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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I have posted pics of them in the past and nobody has ever said they weren't daphnia. They also look like other daphnia I have seen elsewhere. We live near a river, perhaps they can jump
  2. I just fill a container outside with water then leave it and wait. Others get some from people with an established colony. If you know someone with stock troughs, check 'em out. They are often full of daphnia, especially if they have been unused by stock for some time. Daphnia do not seem to travel well and I have always found they die very quickly when transported in a small lidded container.
  3. Caryl

    Filter wool

    I was told you had to be careful of the stuff with fire retardant and mould inhibitors in it. Since I assume all of it has these now days I gather nobody has had problems using it? I too use the same stuff but mine is old and was produced before fire retardants and stuff became mandatory. :roll:
  4. Caryl

    Apple snails

    I believe there are two distinc types of apple snail. One sort is fine but the other practises deforestation.
  5. Can't you cut them in half and count the rings? :lol:
  6. Caryl

    Hi everyone

    Welcome to the forums. I don't keep frogs myself but saw some cute ones while overseas recently - mostly venomous ones :roll: (at least they were held in captivity and not met while on a nature walk :lol: )
  7. I guess that is about a 60cm x 30 x 30 tank? I would start with no more than 6 danios in it. Leave them there a month, with the filter running 24/7, before you add any more fish. Do a 10% - 20% water change once a week too.
  8. Yes it does. The only organisation to do so as far as I know.
  9. I always get my tanks made from a glazier. I have never bought one from a pet store as they have a higher mark-up.
  10. Guppies these days are not hardy. I would use danios Remember the key is to add a few fish to start with. This can vary depending on the size of the tank. How many litres in your tank?
  11. Yes we do. They have lots of fancy trophies and cups on offer to be won too The last one was held recently in Wellington.
  12. The idea behind fishless cycling is to save fish from stress after being added to a new tank that has not been cycled. I am not a fan of it myself but it is the latest fad in the UK and everyone seems to be doing it. Personally I see nothing wrong with adding a few hardy fish and slowly building up the bioload to match the increasing resulting good bacteria in the filter. A lot easier and no messing about. If done correctly there is no harm done to the fish. The fishless cycle followers create a cycle by adding ammonia rather than using fish waste. They then claim you can add the full complement of fish faster, and without a spike in the bioload. I still don't see how they can work out how much ammonia is required to equal X amount of fish poo so they know how many fish their bioload can handle :-?
  13. As long as both sides remember where the box of pump parts is stored
  14. People like gravel as it looks nicer than having plants just in randomly placed pots. The 'gunk' in the gravel is what many of the plants feed off. A certain amount is fine and good. The amount of gunk depends on how many, and what size, fish you have and how often you vacuum it. I clean out my heavily planted tank with no problems. I thoroughly clean the open gravel but around the plants I lightly hold the vac above the plants, or gently push it over the plant to rest lightly on the gravel, to remove the surface gunk only, leaving the rest for the plants. All my plants are in aquarium gravel and I do not use any fertilisers or additives.
  15. I too have been following it and laughing. Great sense of humour and he will get a lot of money for a clapped out machine :lol:
  16. We get them too I believe you can set off a bomb if you are careful. I have not tried this myself so can't vouch for it working. Cover the top of the tank thoroughly to seal it (perhaps Gladwrap or similar) then cover with a heavy quilt or something. If you have external filters or pumps that suck in air from the room, can you lengthen their tubes so they are running from outside? If not, turn them off, it will only be for 24 hrs (make sure the tank has been cleaned and had a water change first then stop feeding the fish for a couple of days beforehand to lessen the bio load). If you only have one tank, have you considered moving it out of the house while you bomb? 24 hrs in the shed or at the neighbours and it should be fine. Not sure if the bombs do actually kill cockroaches though. I understood they are very hard to kill. :evil: You ought to see my pond filter outside. Lift up the lid and it is crawling with cockroaches! :-?
  17. You also need to make sure the fish have space to swim! :-?
  18. I think the amount many girls expect their parents :roll: to fork out for dresses, hairdos and stuff is horrendous and I am glad my kids have left home and no longer attending school balls!
  19. Why is your dispute with Kongs Lucy? Surely the shop you bought it from should be replacing it, not the importer. Your contract was with the retailer, not the wholesaler.
  20. Caryl

    Fluval Edge

    It has just gone on sale in the UK and my friend Sean (manager of Wharf Aquatics) has just set one up in the shop. It looked really good but he was not sure how it would go long term. It is very small so you are limited to what can be put in it. The water fills to the top so tricky if you have to stick your hand in. It looked good though It was selling there for about 90 pounds, which translates to around $249. Very expensive for such a small tank.
  21. Caryl

    Hi all

    Welcome back. Tank is looking nice. Bow fronted tanks are always harder to photograph :roll:
  22. Welcome and good luck with setting up the tank. Yes, if you update your profile to show your location there may be someone nearby with some spare used filter media to help kick start your cycle
  23. Don't panic, most likely one of the above suggestions to do with your bugs you have had. Get it checked though as a blocked node or gland may get infected.
  24. This might help http://www.budgerigars.co.uk/diseases/diarrhoea.html
  25. You need a site down at the Riccarton Market Loopy and go into full time production. Your designs and the execution of same were well done. The pics do not do them justice.
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