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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I think you will find they will all sort out a new route if you miss a turn off. Ours certainly does.
  2. Some depressive illnesses can be genetic and run in families. I know when my mother researched her family tree we discovered a patch where a few generations of males suicided. Of course, if one has a dad (or other close relative) who does it others may think it 'normal' and 'acceptable' and follow suit thinking it is the answer to their problems.
  3. I hope you have stopped using the Ammolock as it will stuff up your ammonia readings and slow down the cycle. It is not necessary if you set the tank up correctly and do regular water changes.
  4. It depends on the fish and the thickness of the frozen food. Small bits will defrost in the tank water very rapidly. A larger chunk may get eaten by one fish but if defrosted first the food can be spread more evenly through the tank with more fish getting a chance at a bit. If a fish eats a larger, frozen, chunk it might get a headache from the cold! :lol:
  5. The only reason they would be against them is that they are not a good fish if you are getting them just because you expect them to eat all your algae. They will not. They are not too fond of algae (or mine aren't) and will eat anything else first.
  6. Our Navman tells us how many meters (or yards and miles at the moment since we are in the UK) to go and names the streets. We have also been running it on battery as we put it into walking mode when out of the car. It has been very handy. Today we hit trouble when we wanted to see the White Scar Cave. The directions on the pamphlet (which always leave a lot to be desired!) said it was 1 1/2 miles from Ingleton on the B6255 road to Hawes. When we put in Ingleton it came up with 2 options so Grant picked the first one as he thought the county was correct (it matched the miles Google gave us when we were checking distances the night before). Well, we finally got to Ingleton but it was the wrong one! If we loaded Inglton in, it thought we were there (which, of course, we were) so we put in Hawes. We got there in the end but from the opposite direction! We ended up driving through the middle of the Yorkshire Dales and some very narrow country lanes. Never mind, we saw a lot of lovely country we would not otherwise have seen :roll: It also got confused on the way home as, even though the maps are less than 12 months old, they have been building many many roundabouts (and then put traffic lights in the middle of them as well) and it put us on a road right beside the new one then tried to make us go round in circles in a never ending loop. We quickly realised they had realigned the road and took the next exit which immediately got us back on track. :lol:
  7. Good to see you made it. I am sure there are plenty of ChCh members who will be happy to pop in with personal computing help with the site if required.
  8. We were lucky in the chapel as our bus lot were the only ones there and I think the bus was half, or less, full. I have started a new album with subs for the rest of our journey since we have left Scotland; http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v144/carylnz/England/ We travelled the Yorkshire Dales today (thanks to incorrect input into the GPS) and visited the White Scar cave, the longest showcave in Britain. Not much, compared to the huge caves we toured through in Borneo, but very interesting all the same and we very much enjoyed it.
  9. Caryl


    Welcome. If I remember rightly most people don't use many plants in native set-ups (but don't quote me)
  10. I bought 4 AWs with me. I meet up with the webmaster and a few members of the UK forum I moderate in tomorrow :bounce: at Wharf Aquatics so have some to offer selected people If anyone does not get their May mag, email or send me a PM etc and I will sort it out after conference.
  11. All we are saying is give peas a chance :lol:
  12. Good to hear they went out on time. My special little helper posted them for me in the first week of May, as requested. I am sure Scottish stamps would have been nice but the cost (not to mention my luggage allowance) made this impossible
  13. Nice to know we aren't the only oneswho name our GPS units :lol:
  14. I am sure you will like your Navman. Ours has been great while we are over in the UK and have relied on it entirely. The map data in both Navman and Tomtoms id identical, incuding the errors :lol: We have a female voice on our current one and we have called her Veronica. Our last Navman was Gavin. They never complain, go mad at you if you don't go where they tell you, and never give up on you either. The bigger screen is a must, especially on sunny days, but we can read it more easily in the sun here than we can in the brighter sun of NZ! Not that we have seen much sun. Even when it isn't raining it is usually a dull overcast :roll: We have ours loaded with NZ, Aussie and Western Europe, althoughwe haven't activated the Aussie maps and had to buy the WE maps as an extra. We got them all cheaper as a trade in offer as our old Navman was too old to update. When our new replacement suddenly died just before we were due to leave NZ they replaced it with a new one within 2 days of it being sent to Auckland for repair! Can't complain about the service.
  15. Finally we have internet access!!!! The Photobucket has been updated http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v144/ ... /Scotland/ Note that some of the albums have sub albums too eg Aberdeen to Nairn has Castles as a sub album and Culloden and Loch Ness has Culloden as a separate sub album. Inverness and the floral hall has 3 subs - Dornoch Cathedral, Dunrobin Castle (with a lot of falconry pics) and John O' Groats.
  16. Caryl

    something new

    With the goldfish? You could try white cloud mountain minnows as they are too fast for most goldfish to catch bu they are hard to see in a pond. We don't have much choice in NZ when it comes to cold water fish.
  17. Belated birthday greetings from Scotland! In my 20's I was at home with 2 small children, one with a severe heart condition :roll: I am enjoying my 50's very much 8)
  18. Good to hear you are all set again Jude. We have been staying on the island of Skye and visited a serpentarium so got to play with another python The good weather has ended and we have had torrential rain and high winds (in and out of the car :lol: ). We got snowed on yesterday! We also got rained on then sunned then rain then sun then rain then sun etc etc etc. It changed every 5 minutes or less. Whoever claimed Scotland had 4 seasons in 1 day was master of the understatement. More like 4 seasons in 1 hour! :roll:
  19. Not sure what stacks you looked at Caper. The fish for sale would have been in the local supermarket. They had them in tanks along the bck wall.
  20. The millipede was solid. The feet tickled and felt like plastic brush bristles. Their exoskeleton is very hard.
  21. Please put in an apology from Grant and me as Scotland is a bit far to travel 8)
  22. We are now in Inverness but didn't see the park and cinema acara mentioned. We won't be seeing Ireland either - not enough time and too expensive Net access is really hard to find with consistency. After tonight I think we will be without it until next week as we head for Thurso and the Orkneys and the B&Bs don't seem to offer wifi there. We went to the Floral Hall today and found these tiddlers... I updated the photos tonight so there are albums from Aberdeen to Inverness, including Culloden, Loch Ness and Elgin Cathedral, among many other sights. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v144/ ... /Scotland/
  23. Hi all, we are now in Aberdeen and it is cold and overcast with scattered rain. We got a last minute deal on a hotel room and have a night with complimetary breakfast and dinner for 3 for 55 pounds ($140NZ approx). Best thing is the hotel has parking (many don't) plus free wifi that works at a good speed so I have managed to update the albums... http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v144/ ... /Scotland/ Check out the album list down the left of the Scotland album, especially Deep Sea World and the Butterfly and Insect World. It has lots of snakes and spider pics. 8) There are fish featured in one of the other albums too but I am tired and can't remember which one. Will look around Aberdeen tomorrow before heading for Inverness.
  24. We got to handle millipedes, Josie the snake and a tarantula today!! :bounce: It was awesome! I will post pics as soon as we get a decent Net connection. Currently going through a cellular site and speeds are about the same as for dial-up :roll: Tomorrow we head for Aberdeen. We have been cruising down the motorways in an Audi A3 at 70mph which is about 115kph I think. Had to search the Net to find out what some of the road signs mean but others have us confused still :-? Haven't caused any accidents yet although Veronica (the GPS) did have to say "Perform a U turn as soon as possible" a few times :lol: Road signs leave a lot to be desired here, as do road markings. Driver behaviour is better though.
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