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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Well it is more important than re-decorating so take a break from the painting and get it finished this weekend! :lol:
  2. Last chance for entries! :bounce:
  3. http://www.stuff.co.nz/nelson-mail/news ... w-members/
  4. I didn't realise people took their guppies to massage parlours :lol:
  5. Caryl

    Hi All

    Hmm I don't see a "Dean" listed as a member of HBAS yet
  6. Don't hold back Matthew. Tell us what you really feel! :lol:
  7. One of those fish is very noisy! :lol:
  8. Look at various review websites as they give you good comparisons.
  9. Friends' daughter got married a couple of years ago for $2,000 and that included the booze. All DIY and no new outfits.
  10. Come to think of it, why does this mean you can't attend the meeting? Nathan will be a week old by then. Put fins on him and enter him in your favourite small fish competition
  11. BYO BBQ's for weddings are very common these days and the best way to do it. Tell guests no presents required but bring meat, salad and something to drink.
  12. Congratulations to you both. :bounce: See, she could have attended conference after all!
  13. To top it all off - one fish that did not have whitespot (the flying fox) jumped out of the tank while we had the lid raised after checking the temp regularly. By the time he was found he was stiff as a board 2 more rhoms gone today.
  14. My last bill was $236.07. This month it is $374.28 A record for me I think. I am paying for gas on top of the electricity too :roll:
  15. As said, they have broken Trademe rules and you need to complain.
  16. Personally I like clear and concise, basic, pages that load fast and aren't full of flashing gimmicks. Try looking at similar sites to the one you want to design and see what you like, or don't like, about how they have done theirs. KISS :bounce:
  17. As the advrts say "Don't leave home 'til you've seen the country" We too have been all over NZ, except the smaller outer islands. Very diverse and most areas have something of interest. In Milford you can go on a boat trip out to the underwater laboratory. A staircase then leads you underwater where you can see rare black coral and all sorts of marine life. You then get taken to the power station and a bus drives you downwards in a spiral until you are 8km underground at the heart of the operations. Fiordland is a rainforest so you must expect it to be a little wet. It actually looks better on a wet day than dry as all the waterfalls are running. The day we went on the boat was great as it was dry going out but wet coming back so we saw everything in both states. It is amazing how fast the waterfalls start! I don't think we can see the aurora too often or too well from the bottom of the south but it does happen on occasion.
  18. On that note, you will slow down in the cold too so not be able to move as fast
  19. Perhaps it is a seasonal thing? 6 more rhoms dead this morning. They were in the small tank and had treatment and salt added. 2 more in main tank still looking unwell. When I looked this morning I thought 2 loaches were dead as they appeared to be floating heads up in the front of the tank. Turned out the idiots had wriggled between the small tank and the front glass and got stuck! Pulled the tank away and they swam off happily. Phew! :bounce: Tank temp cranked up to 28C. Since it usually sits around 22C, I am wary of hiking it further. redracer77 did your pH drop before the fish got whitespot or after you added the salt? Could a sudden pH drop have caused the outbreak in the first place?
  20. Caryl

    Hi, Im new

    Welcome ma'am 8)
  21. Have added 2 extra heaterstats and managed to catch most of the remaining rhoms - probably because they are so sick. I doubt they will survive the night but are separated in a small tnak floating in the main one with whitespot cure and salt added. Not hopeful though
  22. There is a sticky right above your thread that tells you how to post pics
  23. Thanks Jim. I am sterilising a heaterstat at the moment as I got one back today so the temp should be rising shortly :bounce: Won't salt bother loaches?
  24. It never ceases to amaze me how different the South Island is, scenicly, to the North - and how many North Islanders have no idea :lol:
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