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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. OK here are the 4 submitted. Which do you think? Does it give you another idea? Perhaps a combination of some? You may like some aspects and not others. For instance, card 3 was designed so no matter which way around the card was in the wallet (assuming it was short end in and facing front :lol: ), it would be easy to spot! Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Thanks to those who took the time to design them :bounce:
  2. You think we should point him to wok's chocolate cake recipe too?
  3. I have one like Ira's as well but the battery died a long time ago. They were about $9.95 on special at Dick Smith's. I use a large (so I can read it easily) glass thermometer 30cm long and as thick as a syphon hose. Grant also has an electronic thermometer but he usually has it with him in the work vehicle and he is never here when I want to check the temperature of the tank! :roll:
  4. I have been listening to Dave Dee, Dozey, Beaky, Mick and Tich :lol: Ah the good old days :lol: :lol: 8)
  5. 640 is to do with some screen widths to prevent people having to scrolll across to see the whole pic.
  6. Spots gone, another 12cm BN dead, but no deaths (I don't think) for 2 days now. I think we may be over the worst. UV has been running 8 days I think (thanks for that).
  7. I spent the day there yesterday (as you all know) and I was surprised at the numbers going through. There was usually at least 10 people at any one time with a lull over lunchtime as everyone preferred to stuff their faces (us included). A trip to your place would be a good meeting activity kiwiplymouth
  8. Jacob, I tried to email some pics to you but got it returned by the mail admin. I emailed it to Herrie to ask him to tell you what the error was exactly. My emails to you are all bouncing and they weren't before!
  9. Hi and welcome Skip. I too have a similar sized community tank.
  10. Perhaps nobody else has heard of them
  11. I think they have had 3 new members pay up on the spot and about 20 others expressing interest. Herrie will be following up on those at the end of the week
  12. They have done a great job with the display! They have set up in an empty shop in the Richmond Mall. It is next to McD's so a lot of traffic Left side right side Sign at the door For more pics... http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v144/ ... ?start=all They have 11 tanks set up plus goods for sale, a pond and granite stands on show.
  13. Cleaning your filter once a week will not stop fry getting into it. It just means you will get them out again faster
  14. I am heading over to help there again tomorrow so will take some pics. They have already gained new members and a lot of interest! :bounce:
  15. Caryl

    Cycle of live"

    My cousin ate discus in Asia and she said they were delicious. Tasted like fish
  16. In the case of guppies and the like they get sucked up but the plec-like fish will happily climb up.
  17. Any fish small enough will go up a filter. I need to double check mine for BN fry :roll:
  18. There is abig advert in our Saturday paper with a picture similar to yours and a request that anyone finding a pupae, or caterpillar, of these butterflies should report it to biosecurity immediately on 0800 80 99 66
  19. Black Birch developed an emergency fault again today but Grant managed to find a digger to clear the road. Black Birch is about 1675m. We know there is a road here cos here is the top of the waratah that marks the edge! But they do make pretty patterns when the wind blows through the ice... The digger gets through some lighter bits and he finds some of the equipment a bit iced up
  20. Rodent bikkies don't bother me - after all, I can eat them! :lol:
  21. An update. Thanks to Jimr I have a UV in there doing its thing. No deaths today and I can't see any spots on the remaining fish. Hoplos were hiding again (as they used to so this is a good thing. When they were sick they stayed out in front) and only came out to feed. All 3 accounted for and spots gone from them. Only saw 3 BNs which is a worry as there was at least 11 but I know I have lost 2. There was the remains of 1 unidentifiable fish in there today (possibly another loach going by the shape remains). May be missing 2 giant danios. I will do another water change tomorrow and see if there are bodies stuck somewhere I can't see them. If I take plants from this tank, will they be infected with whitespot? Is it safe to take plants from there and put them in another tank or should I treat them with something first?
  22. The lfs in Richmond is selling "hybrid danios" :-? They will definitely cross breed
  23. Some of us were there today setting up and I took over my tank of leopardfish. I think it will look good when they are finished. I was in the petshop over the road and got talking to a family who did not know there was a club and were very interested so said they would be back to see the display once it opened. I believe there will be plecs and oscars (they were setting up a 4ft for them as I left) and a 6ft with discus, among other tanks being offered. It was a busy mall today (and they have the flashest mall toilets I have ever had the pleasure to use!) with kids everywhere.
  24. Nice to see you have finally introduced yourself. 8) Welcome to the fishroom and I hope you enjoy it. I think the best thing about fish keeping is the variety of interests it can cater to within the hobby. :bounce:
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