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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. The settings on heaterstats are not very accurate. I assume before when your thermometer said 26C the heaterstat was also set at 26C?
  2. Well, Tasman now has 10 new members, a higher local profile, about 20 more people they plan to follow up on (expressed interest but did not sign up at the time) and approx $1,600 raised :bounce: Excellent job and well done to the whole club. The majority of members pitched in and contributed in a myriad of ways. Not all were able to spend time there, due to work commitments, but several popped in whenever they could. Others set up their aquariums, or provided fish and/or plants etc. A good crowd was there to dismantle it all in the end. Sorry I couldn't stay for the pizza but I had a 2hr drive home. On arrival I discovered tea all nicely cooked for me plus a new computer ready and waiting! :bounce: :bounce: Grant had been busy while I was gone. He would have gone with me but was on call so had to stay behind. At least he got to visit the display a couple of times during the week as work had him over that way. Extra kudos to club President, Herrie, who got it all off the ground despite many saying "You can't do that, we don't have enough time to get organised!" They now have a club with renewed enthusiasm and high hopes of keeping the momentum going. Indeed, their next meeting (at Helen Fowler's place) will be a 2 level affair Tania (Tanya?) upstairs talking about breeding and raising discus and downstairs in the garage Jeremy will be demonstrating tank repairs and builds. GO TASMAN!!!
  3. I would tell bdspider what she could do with her suggestion but this is a family forum :lol: I think I will go into the local photocopy and business card making shop and price professionally printed ones too then those with lots of colour won't matter
  4. They will be done on a colour laser on white card. I prefer the ones that do not have block strips of colour That looks good axolotl-danio. I have actually liked them all! :-?
  5. My only problem with some, like 7, is they require precision cutting. Since I cut them up on a cheap guillotine this is not possible so a lot of time would be wasted trimming white bits off when I miss :roll:
  6. Yes, I find the font hard to read
  7. It is zev's girls who are doing all the baking, not me (at the moment anyway but the tins are empty so I will have to do some soon)
  8. Caryl


    lfs usually have a bottle with "Fin Rot Cure" written on it.
  9. Caryl

    Papakura Water

    I remember a conference we had on the North Shore where they set up demo tanks for our viewing. The goldfish breeder was filling the tanks using the fire hose. The smell of chlorine was very strong. He then dropped the goldfish in. He claimed he never treated to remove the chlorine and it never bothered the fish. His goldfish were huge and excellent quality.
  10. OK, here is card 5 received today so some wish to re-vote
  11. I think you just evened up the points between 2 and 4 :roll:
  12. I thought the French were supposed to be well known for their culinary skills. Does this not include chocolate cake? :lol:
  13. I think card 2 is starting to edge out card 4 8) I actually like them all! :roll:
  14. I am a fan if them in small tanks and never had problems growing plants over the filter plates. The trick is to make sure the substrate is a decent depth You can never have too much filtration.
  15. Caryl

    New from Chch

    Welcome. There is a great bunch of fishkeepers in ChCh!
  16. Or perhaps it has and that is as good as he gets :-?
  17. Willl he still be able to sing (I assume he can now but have only ever seen a bit on TV where he just repeats the word "Baby" over and over :roll: ) once his voice breaks?
  18. Merv Smith's model railway (can't remember where it is) All the lfs
  19. I didn't realise that was what they used. I guessed they would have one of those weird flat round types. We have lots of AAAs here as Grant buys them bulk. Went to get the thermometer and can't find it! :lol: Last time I saw it, it was above the tank. It can't have fallen in as the lid is in the way. Grant must have taken it and put it on his desk. It will never be seen again! :roll:
  20. I know they have replacement batteries but I have to remember to find out which ones then remember to buy a replacement
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