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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Best time to search is after a storm or flood (make sure it is safe though of course) as new pieces will have been flushed out and washed down stream
  2. Would you please explain the attraction of albino fish? Most of us like fish for their colours and patterns but there is a good number who prefer the albinos. Just curious 8)
  3. Join the NZKA. They swap eggs and fish with other killie members. Wok or Barrie can help you there or go to the clubs page for contact details etc.
  4. I hold my cucumber down using a lead fishing sinker. Others use them to weigh down driftwood that refuses to sink.
  5. Bleach and ammonia are two different things! You need pure ammonia too I believe. I think the stuff in supermarkets has additives.
  6. Your male platy needs more females. Either provide him with more (if you have the room) or remove him.
  7. Caryl


    Get the tank repaired and while you are at it get another bigger tank as well. No problem! :happy2:
  8. Caryl

    GH/KH parmeters

    My electric yellows lived and bred happily in a pH of 7.0
  9. Welcome. Sounds the ideal size for a flat. I can't advise on pet shops in Wgtn but suphew works in one of the Pet Centres and Chris (both members here) works at another. Both are very knowledgeable about fish keeping.
  10. Caryl


    Hmmm perhaps ponds are different but I had a UV on the tank to help clear a whitespot outbreak then, when I had fish dying in the pond, I added it to the pond. The fish stopped dying (but that may have been coincidence) but I had a sudden outbreak of blanket weed that I had never seen in the pond before. It started to smother everything. I turned the UV off and the blanket weed died. :-? This seems the opposite of what others are saying on using them on a tank :dunno:
  11. Most definitely. But it might just be old age
  12. Marmite is good for arthritis too. Gave a friend's dog a new lease on life! Gave Grant about 6 months :-?
  13. To get back on topic, any of the club members up there have geckos? 8)
  14. I have never heard a complaint about the Canon cameras.
  15. I am so looking forward to conference this year :happy1:
  16. When I started school we had a pot bellied stove in the middle of the room :roll: :-? I would think the tank would need to be kept more 15C than 18C though?
  17. Then you haven't heard me complain about my Eheim wet/dry! They are one filter I would never recommend to anyone and it put me off buying any Eheims, which is a pity as I understand they are all good - except the model I have :roll: .
  18. Classrooms have air con these days???
  19. isthmus No the aim is to keep it going, not to make it too difficult to continue! &c:ry
  20. Very interesting article. Living Art may be old but he's still got what it takes - just ask his daughter, Caroline :happy1:
  21. Caryl

    Fish Quiz?

    Ooh the garden bit is ringing bells but the mind is blank at the moment :roll: :nilly:
  22. Caryl


    She definitely had a happy new year in that case :lol: Best wishes to you all.
  23. Caryl

    How to dubstep

    The original has Shake Your Tail Feather as the background music and is much better
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