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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. They found it!! Wow it swam quite a distance :slfg: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/6211335/High-flying-shark-makes-pilot-look-twice
  2. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Back at work after a month off. Ho hum. Very quiet - which is why I am in here
  3. Caryl

    testing water

    I never test my tank either but if something goes wrong knowing the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels can help diagnose the problem.
  4. Algae is just a lower plant form and opportunistic. i imagine the nuitrient level rose when you used a feeding block. As things return to normal it may die off again once the excess nutrients have been used up. Algae is generally not harmful to fish (they graze on some forms of it) but it can smother and kill plants if it gets out of control.
  5. Adrienne might be able to point you in the right direction. She used to breed the best around so ought to know who to contact.
  6. I have watched mine. They will sit on a leaf or something then suddenly let go, drift along, then attach to something else. I am not sure whether they have any way of controlling their direction and have aimed for the new location or just keep their non existent fingers crossed. :lol:
  7. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    An old silo or grain storer with no roof at the top? Not that I know of, or not where I walk. The walking tracks I use are at the Taylor Dam end. Perhaps you were down the Riverlands end? Have been working more on the AW. Anyone got any articles for me??? :bounce:
  8. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I biked to the supermarket and back (8km) then decided to walk up the Wither Hills Farm Park to the lookout. My thighs are now screaming at me as it has been 6 months since I have been able to do that walk (I think it is about a 780m climb) and they have objected rather strenuously. :roll:
  9. You can have it as thick as you like and off-cuts are cheaper. I use a hot wire to cut mine. Joe I would expect Mega to have poly or go down to the penguin factory, Expol, in Taylor Pass Rd as they might be cheaper since they manufacture it. It is where I used to get mine (before it changed hands) and they would cut it to the size I wanted too.
  10. I would have thought so. It is my understanding that if something is wrong the snails will climb out. I have hundreds of them in my pond. Most seem to float about happily on the surface - sunbathing.
  11. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    There was one but that was a few years ago
  12. Or just get rid of the riccia. Hmm wanna try the same test with hairgrass? Just curious
  13. Oh dear. Lunchtime and no reply from McRash. Should we ring her local A&E Department??
  14. Sounds like EQC share an office with ACC :roll: :facepalm:
  15. Not too long ago there was a major problem with guppies dying due to some sort of infection. I think they even stopped importing them for a while as the problem wasn't just in NZ. Whatever it was it seemed to affect these fish and not others. Not sure if there was a cure for it either :dunno: Anyone else remember?
  16. How big is this pond? If it now only has 2 fish in it I doubt you will have ammonia problems. Did you take all the fish out of the tub and put them all back in the pond?
  17. Hi and welcome I wonder how many sharks there are out there named Bruce :slfg: You do realise your aquarium is way too small for him I hope?
  18. I have them in the pond and the fish ignore them totally.
  19. Waiting.... waiting.... waiting :cofn: :spop:
  20. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Have been out watching a pre-schooler, a 5 yr old and their mum trying to catch goldfish from my pond as they have set up a bath for a pond at their place. They finally managed to catch 3 plus some snails. Lovely sunny day in Blenheim today and, thanks to a cool breeze, not too hot at about 20C. Ideal for sitting by the pond with a cuppa 8)
  21. Happy New Year and if the last 12 months gave you grief I hope things improve.
  22. Don't forget it is important not to lose your marbles, no matter what size :nilly:
  23. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    The one in the background of the black and white photo looks a bit dodgy to me
  24. My dairy farming friend assures me he can stick his arm up a cow's behind, up to his armpit, and still not reach the other end. :facepalm: :roll: The questions I ask to confirm the accuracy of statements! :rotf: He says to try farm stores or vets but Mitre 10 might have them cheaper. Try giving them a ring. Not only would long sleeved gloves protect you but it will also protect your fish from anything you may have on your hands - soap, moisturiser, sanitiser etc that may be toxic to them or form a film on the water surface.
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