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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. My java fern has always taken for ever to attach itself! I dont think i've ever had it attached before.
  2. DennisP


    Dont feed the troll.
  3. All-in-ones and branded tanks are definitely more expensive. My juwel 4ft, cost $1.2k. Where as (depending on who you use) a professionally(?) made tank at the same size would cost about 150-300. I guess anything with a high price is going to be good quality(if you do your research around different shops), as if it breaks, they are going to be liable for it. (If it's under warranty), Not to mention that brands making bad tanks risk ruining carpets and killing the poor fish. I'm no expert on the types of tanks, just my 2c. HTH
  4. DennisP


    Nope... Randomness is fine. Learn to spell. That is all. I don't know why it is, but with your "txt language", and being a new member, it makes people feel as if you think you are more important/don't appreciate others enough to take the time/effort to spell correctly. Other than that, I don't see any problems... You're welcome. (@ everyone thinking this is rude: Sometimes its best to be straight to the point.)
  5. Oh, i forgot to mention... He went to the pet shop, and the pet shop person said "they are only getting eaten because they are stressed with their new environment and so they cant swim away... So, he put them back in.
  6. I think even a twelve year old should be smart enough to know that if they are about to get eaten and you interfere, they are still gonna get eaten whether its 2 hrs or 2 months later...
  7. Thanks, the swords from you are looking good as well.
  8. Can someone let me know what the foreground plant is? Looks like sag, but I could be wrong. http://www.ratemyfishtank.com/photo-main.php/21846
  9. Easy mistake for someone who doesn't spell check. :oops: Atleast i get my You're/your and then/thans correct!
  10. Is E. Amazonicus available here? Anyone got any at a reasonable price?
  11. i agree with n1ck. Looks kinda busy... Not ugly, just busy. Also phoenix, WHERES MY DIFFUSER?! :evil: :lol: Just wandering. =p
  12. I have to say LA, i really like your new avatar pic. :lol:
  13. Cheers. Umm Its only hairgrass, so it cant really be crushed and its small. I've received moss etc in envelopes before.
  14. Is it okay? Fast post over night. I have it in 2 plastic bags, taped up and roled. My mum said that they roll the letters flat at the post shop... If they do, the bags might burst. Is it okay to do? or should I send in a box? Cheers.
  15. Thats not fair! Old people have a lot to offer society! :lol:
  16. How old ARE you? Seeing as you're not a teacher, it must be acceptable to ask. Or is it ALL adults that you must not ask the age of...?
  17. I do this to point out that I know I may infact be wrong. (Now I have to think about how to word this correctly)... You would think I am more ignorant/stupid if I were to post a wrong word in a post about how dumb people are. Now if I point out that I may be wrong, you will understand that I realize I may be wrong and you will not be able to flame me for being stupid. If you get what I mean. I have decided, i don't like making my "I's" big... Too complicated.
  18. Mine used to eat the frozen bloodworm things whole! Surprised they didn't get brianfreeze or something. :lol:
  19. DennisP


    That took me 5 seconds to realize why there is a red dot there.... 8)
  20. Oh man! For teh lulz! I love doing things FOR TEH LULZ! :lol:
  21. DennisP


    w0t r u on abwt i dun c ne bdly spelt p0stz newere... Man I'm Pro at this... :roll:
  22. DO IT! Post something mean! You know you want to! Pointing out people idiocy(?) in front of everyone is always fun.
  23. They grow very slowly though. Unless mine got stunted... =[ (was years ago) I fed mine bloodworms. Loved them. I believe i was told to only feed them every 2 days or something. But I'm sure they would love worms etc. Anything meaty. I guess mince would work too?
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