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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. Yeah, getting rid of Rasbora... - nowhere else to put them for now. Thinking about selling the ghost knife... But I love him to much... It is very adventurous its never hidden before, so it just needs to feel safer. Umm, there are 3 baby/ 5 month old discus in there with them... I'm more interested in what plants to put where. =P I like swords... if its possible, "carpeted" area of swords... if you know what i mean...
  2. If i can afford it yeah... Ofcourse more plants! What ones? what ones where?
  3. Yeah, background... Ummm i found it up in the sounds. I think its manuka roots. Or gorse. One or the other.
  4. And put it where? I have no more pieces like this, and I want to keep this piece. =S
  5. This is my new set up and I would like Advice on what to add. I would like to see it full of plants again, but want to keep it Amazon/south american themed. I especially need to do something with the right side of the tank, looks very barren now. =[ I think, i may put the xmas moss on the wood, once it no longer floats, I really don't want to take it out untill it sinks. The crypt on the right will come out, its just filling in space for now... Right side of tank. As you can see, its pretty dirty, I will do another water change today/tomorrow when it settles down.
  6. *like* who doesn't love baby hippos?!
  7. I myself have no clue on what effect it will have financially, but I've have always enjoyed sitting in restaurants or cafes with fish tanks -even gold fish. Even before I got into fish. I was down in Queenstown last week, and the is a cafe/bar with a fishtank, about 5 foot, heavily planted. It looked great, The place itself was nice, but it really caught a lot of attention when walking past it. I'd imagine a large cichlid tank would do the same. If you do it, I will convince my family to come visit.
  8. MT pleasant. Discus/community for now. Only 1 tank.
  9. I remember i saw wolves i think in Germany... The ones in captivity are disappointing. I'd imagine the ones in the wild are bigger and more scary. Like... The things in twilight. My avatar is of my tank when i got it new. Now it looks worse. Hopefully i can make it look better though.
  10. :lol: :lol: More storys of funny events on teh magical intertubez!!
  11. Well, Thats amazing. The fin on its head is cool.
  12. 9 years old?! 9.78 inches?! Oh the internet.
  13. They dont have to read if they dont want to....
  14. Imo, lets hear ppls experiences with awkward things on these sites... Edit Admin
  15. Thanks, i try. Quite liking the new hair style.
  16. OH GOD NO!!! =S WEll... WEll... WELL I"M WATCHING YOU TOO!
  17. I find it scary with some white dude staring at me while i read.... :-? :lol:
  18. They always look different after they're in the tank, and with 100w of light shining on it.
  19. Thats quite a nice piece u got there. Is it urs?
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