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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. yay Tank renovations incoming! Cant wait!
  2. I got myself a nice piece of driftwood from a beach in th marlborough sounds. 1: How do i know if it is rotting or not? Should be pretty obvious shouldn't it? 2: The salt, I will soak it for a couple of days, that should be alright shouldn't it? 3: It was sitting on, And probably used to grow in clay. Will this affect it at all? Please help. It a niece piece and have some good plans for it. Will probably upload some photos when its ready.
  3. DennisP

    tank updates:)

    I really like it. The Sand makes the severums look nice. And the plec stands out a lot too. Looks good.
  4. What the title says........ I want some for a rock pile, but I dont like the way the grey rocks stand out. Is there anywhere i can get some brown/dark preferably round/smooth rocks of all sizes? thanks.
  5. I'm no expert on this... but anywhere should be fine. The current leaves will still want some rhizome to keep it attached... And the new sprouts shoot off a few MM below the cut. But the leaves do start off very small, so don't bother moving it untill it has really grown bigger.
  6. Wait for it to attach, the put a cut in the middle of it and it should shoot out the side. I find the small leaves take A LOT longer to grow than when it is big. I have 1 big one sending out a new leaf every week... the smaller has had 1 in 3 months.
  7. I'm sure he'll live. I had 2 axolotls for years. Sometimes they bit off each others legs so that the bone was sticking out. eventually the bone fell off and they regrew their legs. I was very neglectful at the time too... i was like.. 12
  8. It should take about 2-3 days for it to die.... i dont think it should take more than 5 at max.
  9. about $20 for 500ml... it'll be more than enough.
  10. DennisP

    New Fish!

    Is that red one really that red?! I want a red discus! Anyone know what cobalt blue + blue turq = ? i bought some babies to accompany my big ones, and they are starting to show red. =]
  11. So did I! Reduced photo period, and now its DYIINNGG!!! yay.
  12. thanks, thats what im after. I have discus, and a BGK in my 240l juwel. and corys. and some others. Will probably get rid of my BGK and get neons or something affordable. I have silica sand at the moment. I have a variety of plants, the non amazon ones i will get rid of, so that means mainly my stems, cos i dont really like them. I have some dwarf sag, but its growing slowly so i will need to get some more... Ummm... yeah...
  13. i cant find anything good. =[ im not good with scientific names...
  14. With not much thought, i have decide i want to theme my tank like... the amazon... -.- Planted style. What would be a good background/foreground plant?? And anyone got any advice? Like... How to arrange everything? Is it best to have a lot of rocks? or just a few? This kinda thing. And also experiences.... So far, the ones i've seen, i really like the style. I prefer the ones without a large variety of plants, because it just doesn't look natural. I'll be looking for some cool driftwood and more rocks when i'm up in the sounds next week. So i can hopefully find some interesting stuff. :bounce:
  15. k Well i still dont know what i am looking for in a c02 bottle, where to look, and what cost. My brother had paintball gun bottles... would they work? not sure if they are c02 tho.
  16. i've got the solenoid, gauges and everything. i'm pretty sure i only need the bottle + gas....
  17. $200?! oh nooo Sooo sounds like there a better types of c02. hmmmm TELL ME EVERYTHIGN!
  18. Tomorrow i will go buy a c02 bottle. Is there anything i need to know before i buy one? eg what type? Where is a good place to look? because i really have no idea...
  19. Cos its lying on a bench in my house lol i will have a look for some this weekend. Where is a good place to look?
  20. What glues are suitable for attaching plants to wood/rock? Can i get a list? :lol: Also is that Uhu stuff okay?
  21. Not yet. i will at the end of the week. probably no idea. i will also buy a test kit. If needed.
  22. I had a look around, but everything is too confusing for me... It sounds like: kh stops Ph from going crazy. When i add c02, my ph will go crazy. does this mean i should have a high (above 4) kh? too confusing... =[
  23. Well.... I got my co2 regulator and stuff today. Bubble counter fluid = water? And... The diffuser is little and green and ugly. (will post picture soon) But... it has a white cover thingy in it... and i dont know if it needs to come off and whether it is big enough... Help me lol I'd prefer a glass diffusor, which i will probably buy if i can find one at a reasonable price. Tell me what i need to do please! :-?
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