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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. NOOOOOO. algae is horrible. My ottos wont eat the brown algae on my congo fern... =[ Nor will my whiptail. The green spots on the glass should go away with reduced photoperiod right? Same as on my anubias?
  2. Really? Cant say i look after my water parameters much....
  3. Speaking of ottos dieing.... Do they do this in NZ aswell? Thing that i've heard that makes the most sense to me is that they liver gets damage when they are caught... But how long does it take them to get from south america to nz...? (they are from SA right...? lol) Mine are all doing fine. Pointy tails aswell which i read is a good sign.
  4. Both my large discus have big bite marks in their tails. about the size of the old 5c coin. There are no bites on my small baby discus (4-5cm) This Would be my Black ghost knife...? Am i correct? Discus wouldn't bite each others tails would they? My ghost knife is about 18cm long. And the large discus about 13cm... Tank is a juwel rio 240, so plenty of space. It is reasonable heavily planted (if it matters) I have : 5 discus 1 black ghost knife 2 neons 5 harlequins 1 l010a bronze corys ottos and probably some other harmless fish. Please let me know because if it is the BGK, i will need to sell it, but i dont want to sell it and find out it wasn't him... because it is awesome.
  5. You could try flourish excel. Worked great for my staghorn... But it does say "doesn't work for all algae, so it is not advertised to do so"
  6. Sounds scary tbh. Killer fish? Jaws? =0
  7. What does this have to do with the algae thread? =P Catfish are cool. too bad most plecos grow huge and eat plants... MY STAGHORN HAS RETURNED! NOOOOO!!! back to the excel dosing...
  8. This is how I've done my most successful fastenings. except with natural slits and crevesses.
  9. True, looks good. But its never guaranteed that its not rotting. Which could be quite disappointing i would imagine.
  10. Interesting... Interesting indeed. No idea where waikuku is. 8) What would u do to the driftwood from the beach tho? Does it look fine in the tank? because its always so white.
  11. I use black cotton thread. Basically invisible unless u go over the top with it... but the last knott is hard to tie for some reason.
  12. super glu could work. not sure what brand tho. rubber bands look horrible. And dont always fit the wood well.
  13. How many tanks are we talking? =P You said "EASILY tie plants to wood ..." I can never manage to do it EASILY. What knots do you use to fasten it? The first knot is easy for me. then i just wrap it around the rhizome and wood. But i can never finish it off very easily...
  14. 1 would also be my pref. I may have to do extra house work this weekend. Incase he wants me to pay for it. =0 Why cant everyone spend all night on their computers like all COOL people? It so frustrating when you want someone to reply to an email but they dont! :lol:
  15. Phoenix and jen have dibs after me! I will let him know u 2 are interested. If he cares. =P
  16. I cant afford them, so i will take what i can get. Will refere you to him if you want. =P http://s916.photobucket.com/albums/ad1/ ... ood003.jpg http://s916.photobucket.com/albums/ad1/ ... ood002.jpg http://s916.photobucket.com/albums/ad1/ ... ood001.jpg Im really keen on driftwood number 1. (the last link) "Will you HAVE to redesign?? My friend, you will GET to redesign. What could be better? " Thisis true. But then it looks silly for a few days. And then i want to buy more. But. I am 100% broke.
  17. I know i want to... but but but.... WILL IT FIT IN!? WILL I HAVE TO REDESIGN!? gah.
  18. I have just been offered some really nice piece(s) of driftwood in replacement of $25 of plants. Do i take it? They are very thin and spindly. like what amano has in many of his videos. Will upload pics soon as they are on other comp! HELP ME DECIDE! i will probably take out the current driftwood if i decide to take it. But that would mean re attaching the anubias and java fern. And how would i attach african fern to it and make it look good?1 EEK
  19. i knew that much = P But that is about all i know... So no strict timing is need for lights vs C02. =] good. Would i have to start adding the c02 slowly to avoid shocking the fish, or causing algae outbreak?
  20. "the difference in timing would have a negligible effect on the plants." how so? =P i am a noob. Plus i am on dial up speed so i cant search through multiple pages looking for information without wasting 10minutes between each page....
  21. we have many multiplugs which i can plug into a wall timer...
  22. :-? Umm... are ph controllers those electronic things? aren't they like $$$$ x a million?? Timer... would a wall timer work?
  23. Well... i bought it. And now i think i should do some research........ What problems do i/will i face? @p44, u said ur puffer tank is at 4.5 ph? will my tank end up like this? my discus wont like that i dont think.... What is a good diffuser? Are any far superior than others? What bubble rate should i have?
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