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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. Jen has kindly supplied me with a tank. Good condition and clean. A quick, (better than last picture), design I have in mind is... Sorry, its kind of hard to see but still. The tank is 62 x 30 x 35 (approx.) The terrestrial segment will be constructed out of polystyrene and then covered in gravel, earth, and maybe peat for a natural look. Challenges ahead of me... - The actual sculpting of the polystyrene - Background - Filter. Ideas - The land sculpting shouldn't be too difficult as it will be smooth, but it is still something I haven't done before.. - The Background! I think I will do this out of polystyrene as well, but, because it will be very visible and detailed, I have a feeling I will Stuff it up lots - Tips would be appreciated. :lol: - Filter... As there is not much room for a filter (or heater), I have thought that I could cut a small 4cm x 4cm underneath the land polystyrene. It will probably go around a corner or something for water flow, and have a power head in the middle. I could put some small filter media in there too for the bacteria and maybe a small heater If it fits. I'm sure I could find some small netting that could cover up the inlet/outlet and then cover it in gravel. Do You Think This Is Possible?? As for flora and fauna, That is still weeks away so I'm trying not to focus on that for now. But I have some ideas... I will keep this updated (with photos) as I go. :lol:
  2. Nope. Not that stuff. Oh well, doesn't matter.
  3. Shuddup1 :oops: LEAVE ME ALONE!! :lol:
  4. Banking, finance advisor, accountancy, loan people, investing help, SCAMMING! Lots things to do in finance.
  5. p44, that is almost exactly how I pictured you! :lol: Also, with the career paths, Finance and business are very broad, and if there are 5 in between them, theres like 7 options that probably cover the entire career opportunities. IMO, its stupid. My mum is trying to get me to take a career test thingy.... stupid.
  6. This is a good thread! Just what I need for inspiration. They all look great. What is the best way to cut them, and paint them? :oops:
  7. So they are the same thing... Whats that stuff that is almost rubbery? Very small particles... I don't think you can even see them. Meh. Polystyrene it is.
  8. This is what I am thinking for the layout so far. Some crappy paint pictures... (birds eye view) And this is what I'm thinking to do with my wood. + some large, fine-leafed ferns in the corners.
  9. Kinda what I'm aiming for, No plants in the water, maybe some moss draping in a most. Leaves could be tricky, make it look small... No harm in adding them though.
  10. I also like the first. But as it is 60cm(?) long tank, its going to be harder to fit everything in. I would like enough room for 3-5 small fishies... It will be a while before I add any plants to it I think, as I need to sort out temperature, light etc. As for what substrate to use in the water... Sand? The pictures I've seen of sand haven't looked very nice. Dark gravel looks good. But smaller pieces would be good to make the tank look larger... Ideas? Also, big enough to be glued onto the styrofoam banks/slopes. As for the shape of the land, I have something in mind, but will update tomorrow when I get my tank!
  11. Obesity is now widely regarded as a mental disorder. Gastric bypass only prevents the problems, it does not solve it. This fish clearly needs a therapist. :lol:
  12. Styrofoam for a paludarium. Is styrofoam the best thingy to use as a base/background? And where would I get it form in a large amount (chch) anyone know?
  13. I myself, know nothing about lighting. Care to explain? If they are NZ plants from the sounds, they wont need much light. And t5's (35*c or something) may be too hot.
  14. After a lot of thought... at school :lol: ... I have decided to try one. Now, I have to decided which style to go for... http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2 ... =-1&id=162 this Or http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2 ... l=-1&id=67 this. (one side or both sides) I will make the slope/land area with a styro-foam base so if anyone has any experience with these, it would be appreciated, as I have none. The plants will probably be native, as I can get them from the marlborough sounds. (small amount, I will make sure I dont harm anything blah blah blah :lol: ) This is also helpfull because they look good, live well in water, but don't require high temperatures etc. I will Keep the water about 20*c and have maybe mountain minnows + a pleco if they can survive at that temp. I will probably keep a set up log on here for you to see. :lol: I'm excited.
  15. http://hydrophytesblog.com/wp-content/u ... nk-i-s.jpg (too large for img insert sorry) I'm pretty keen to try one of these. Once I sort out my finances, I could possible buy a 2ft set up etc, and use it as a biotope/cool stuff tank. :-? :lol: Anybody got any experience with these, what do you suggest. If I do do this, I would put some planning into it this time!
  16. Those fish look amazing. Outrageous pricing? How much per...?
  17. Someone else can go. I'm no good at these. :lol:
  18. the RIGHT side! umm.. If I bought a spray bar, would it be possible to combine the co2 into the spray bar? (it would be underwater) anyone done this/any ideas? Also, tank is looking good!
  19. Hasn't this been? -a coffin.
  20. DennisP

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