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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. DennisP


    Mine is also almost impeccable. :lol: I'm just much more rude. Speaking of OP... I don't think 12yr olds count as teenagers.
  2. win/air doesn't sound right to me.
  3. I think they got their share of adrenaline. They are safe now. The last 4. I think he's going to return them or something... And don't worry. I love animals. I could never hurt one. The funny part was how stupid my brother is. Not what happened to the minnows.
  4. Googled the answer :oops: I still dont get it :lol: Wont ruin it for others though.
  5. My little brother, 12, has a 60l tank and 3 goldfish. I have told him its too small etc etc etc... Today, he decided he wants some more "fancy" fish. So he went and bought himself 5 mountain minnows. Well, we come back to the tank an hour later, to find 1 dead and the other 4 being chased like crazy. THEY WERE BEING EATEN! As I watched the entertaining show, my little brother is yelling and whacking on the glass whenever the goldfish got too close. My mum then told him to get a little plastic tank from below to hold them in. Even while he was fishing them out, the goldfish were still going for them! He is horribly neglectful to the fish, but I found it funny and I thought he needed to learn he needs to research the fish the hard way. Just thought I'd share the highlight of my day. 8)
  6. <--- My juwel 240, was set up for about 3 days before I put introduced my 2 discus, ghost knife, and a bunch of smaller fish. Casualties? 0
  7. My guess would be stress. Unless any visible symptoms of diseases are visable.
  8. My dad found it, was 45 at the time... I'm definitely not saying its a usual thing... Just the chance is there...
  9. I doubt it, but if u got the plant from a private seller/friend, they could have bleached it for snails etc and then not rinsed it... :-? What kind of plant is it?
  10. BABY CHICKENS! with heads and all. Really big freakin eyes aswell... Its one of the very few things that made me feel sick just by looking at it.
  11. To be fair, I/family has found a few (maybe 3 at most) with freakin' embryos in them! Definitely not often, and trust me, its something you don't forget.
  12. I'd Also be keen. Probably end of this week once i have money. =]
  13. This ... Red zone = the tall leafy background things. Blue = Something Green = Lots of the "amazon swords" that are constantly on trademe.
  14. no worries. I think, i want to buy, probably 9, 3 each of 3 species, of tall/background nice leafy swords or soemthing... Know of any?
  15. $50 would be the cut off point for buying a plant. $100, no way. The red swrd i have is the one that is in the front of your tank. (if you know what one i mean)
  16. So pretty much anything i can think of? Thats good. You still haven't answered my question on what price these "expensive" ones are at animates? :lol: I have one red one, bought it AGES ago, not sure what one it is, its new leaves are read, and it grow pretty horizontal...
  17. Which ones are available here? And what is the price range for the "nicer" looking ones.
  18. 1: Whats so great about the daltons sand? 2: how much would these plants be
  19. I'm not really a fan of stem plants i have decide. This is kinda what I am after. - ignore foreground http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/I ... 00/261.jpg (soz, pic is too big for forum)
  20. ^ thats the advice im after. Wanna source me these plants?! And this diffusor... u said your getting one for me/selling me one. I'm not really a fan of stem plants i have decide. This is kinda what I am after. - ignore foreground http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/I ... 00/261.jpg (soz, pic is too big for forum)
  21. tsk tsk tsk What kind of swords though? I would like some tall ones for the back. None of these "giant" species though... as for the val..... MY VALL!
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