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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. Different species, although pretty sure the majority are just different colours. Captively bred and farmed so I would assume they are like bettas. Originated from the same types but over the years have created new types.
  2. I've seen some silver ones at animates for $150...
  3. Where did you get the carapo? Wouldn't mind one.
  4. Centered 10km northwest from diamond harbour apparently, which is very close to our house. This one was worse for us than the original (damage wise). A few paintings jumped off the wall and there is now a long thin crack just bellow a steel beam in our roof.
  5. What knife fish are available here? - Clown Knife - Black/brown Ghost Knife - Stripped one Henward has. - ????? - ???
  6. Axolotls have big mouths... Mine were about 15cm and they ate those bloodworm cubes whole.
  7. So many options :lol: Discus are going today which means all my other fish will be up for sale. Probably trademe as there is nothing exciting in there... Which means that I can start looking into getting other fish!
  8. How many? What ones? I am a pleco noob. :oops:
  9. http://www.aquahobby.com/gallery/e_panaque.php 50cm =S Otherwise it would be cool.
  10. Heaps of wood, lots of hiding spots. Other fish will be a few Severums.
  11. Tank 240L, since there will be only 1 pleco I want it to be nice. Also I don't want it getting over 30cm. Limit is $150. Tell me your suggestions! :bounce:
  12. I forget how old sunrise was, also, she is a she right? o.0 Tropical fish game for a DS...? wow.
  13. A tank that size would be okay, you'd be limited to small fish again, or a small amount of fish. They're a good size tank to make look attractive as well.
  14. Its quite small, You would be limited to guppies or tetras or something else small. Don't know what the price on that is but you could probably get a plain glass tank twice the size + heater/filter for the same price.
  15. Constant aftershocks for the last 10 minutes now
  16. Well, despite all the loss and damage, it will be good story to tell for years to come. Whats the story now? I hear theres a curfew of 7 - 7 in town, what about sewage and all that?
  17. Had a look around town, and I saw about 3 of the handful of sites pictured on the news. Bunch of traffic lights are out and a few roads are closed but most of the damage seems to belong only to the old brick houses around the place. A lot of chimneys have broken and fallen and some unlucky ones have had theirs go through their roof. Only saw 2 really bad sites and they would be because of their building structure/age because the ones next door are mostly okay... LFS had 3 tanks crack and apparently there was "a lot of stuff everywhere" and the local supermarket was a mess this morning from the photos I've seen.
  18. Now that people have calmed down a bit, the truth and photos seem to be coming out. There does seem to a be a lot of damage and the media is pretty accurate :lol:
  19. Didn't say they dramatising too much, there doesn't seem to be that much damage from what I can see.
  20. Probably breaking the rules and the law... so i'll phrase it well i hope... The internet offers a lot of things for free.
  21. Where did my post go...? :-? Long story short, lots of water from tanks, no cracks, everything is fine and power just came back on. Not sure how much media is dramatizing the damage as I can't see any from up on my hill. Twas a eerie site watching New Brighton evacuate instantly after the first shock. This morning I found my discus tank at 22* which wasn't good but have got it back to 25 and now the power is back on. Apparently we're not to use much water as the sewer system is skrewed... Also noticed the shock had moved my 240L tank a couple of CMs along its stand... :-?
  22. Site could be down or under maintenance or something
  23. How readily available are the firemouths?
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