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Everything posted by Scottie841

  1. If the general public could guarantee the same level of security and also guarantee that none would be released then I am sure they would let them in. Would you be happy to have one if they said only males (or females) are allowed in and all of them must be registered. On top of that random inspections & when they die you need to return the body or you will receive a huge fine (six figures). That is the only way to insure that they are not released in to the wild to cause problems. I know it is extreme but I suspect that that is what the commercial operations have to do to be aloud them.
  2. That would make a couple of nice tanks
  3. You can get it here. In the Placemakers system (a couple of years ago) it was listed as "100x50 RS UT (4x2)" which means 100x50 rough sawn untreated (also known as 4x2)
  4. NO!!! 2x4 is american timber (being american it is wrong by default) 4x2 if timber from anywhere else in the world
  5. I have not tried it before but I am sure someone here will be able to tell you
  6. I would say fly. It may cost a bit more but the time saved more than makes up for the cost differance. With the bus or train you are looking at 12 hours each way compaired with 1 hour (plus 30min check in time) on the plane
  7. I prefer the female fighters. Some of them are absolutely stunning and have very nice colours. For a 25l tank you could put 3 or 4 of them in there or you could put more in your bigger tank. As someone else said the females make good community fish and get along with most other fish. I like the males but their big tail limits what can go with them and they are harder to look after. What we have had females with: Tetras Black ghost knife (he ate a couple of small ones but was good with the bigger girls) Angle Sliver shark Platys Clown loaches Yoyo loaches (one of them liked the taste of fighter but the other was ok with them) Plecos Guppies Some of the fish listed do need a bigger tank so when you upgrade to a bigger tank it will give you some ideas.
  8. From my experience a franchise provides better service because of the goals set by the parent company than an independent contractor would provide because there are minimum requirements set. With the example of Post Haste there drivers are independent contractors and there is a lot of difference between the areas. Some are amazing and some could not care less what they do. With Fastway they may have a lower service quality in some areas but are more standard because of the limits put in place. The above is my opinion that has been formed by having worked as an inderpendant contractor for a courier company and having a mother and father that were couriers for 15 years and worked for NZ couriers, Post Haste and Fastways (among others)
  9. Most of the couriers are "independent contractors" so if anything a “franchise” should have more control over the quality of the service
  10. How is that different to a lot of the other courier companies?
  11. If it was applied to everything and as you use the example of speeding so will I. If everyone got one warning then lost their car everyone would drive at the limit (or not have a car to drive fast) This over time would stop ALL speed related deaths and everyone would get to where they want to without having to worry that someone is going to kill them by not being able to take a corner at 120km/h - add to that the same for drunk (or drugged) driving one warning then loss of car and 365 days prison
  12. If I had it my way YES it would stop people from being stupid and trying to smuggle things in to the country
  13. The way I look at it he smuggled a snake. The type should not be taken in to account it was a snake and they are illegal. NZ is one of only a few countries that are still snake free and it should stay that way. I would have liked the judge to give him a sentance for the snake and then double it for being an idiot (same should be done for DIC and other charges also)
  14. Would South Africa be a better example then? There are lots of snakes and not all are venimous. for examply the African egg eaters that would be small enough to fit in your back pocket. As this is an egg eater it would pose a huge risk to our natives. Below is the Cape town temp in winter. It is also where you can find African egg eaters Also if they allow one snake would people then say "they let one in they should let all in" like people do now with lizards?
  15. Would this conversation be going the same way if it was a tiger snake? They are wide spread in Tasmania where the weather and temperatures are similar to NZ. They have frosts in winter and have max temperatures under 25 in most regions; even with these cold temperatures they have 3 species of snake. All are highly venomous
  16. That is why I said in roof of homes. The roof space stays well above the air temp so should stay above 18 degrees. As I said I am not 100% sure but having climbed in to roof spaces just after dawn and been surprised at the heat I think they would be about that temp. If it is a house that is lived in the temp may be an average of 23 degrees on winter nights according to BRANZ
  17. It is a bit harder when you make it smaller. Maybe if ti only had 3 wide and 2 high for the pictures
  18. I am not 100% sure but I would say that in northland they would survive and be able to reproduce if they got in to the roof of an old abandoned house or caravan. There are a lot of places like that around the top of the country and I am sure they would not fall below 18 degrees even in the middle of winter
  19. There is one way to get them here. You could get a doctorate and have the same qualification as them. Then you could get a job with MAF. You could then work your way up through the organisation. You would see what goes on and the reason that rules are in place. Then when you get to be one of the rule makers you would be able to give good reasons why they should not be aloud in the country
  20. I think MAF do a good job. I would hate to see lots of snakes released like ferrets, cats and possums
  21. That is what I was thinking but I could not find a thread
  22. Ask Peter ant Port Nicholson glass. He will be able to do you a good price on a tank and if he does not do the stands he should know how does
  23. With all the screen shots people have put up I am amazed that there have been no folders labeled "Porn" (or worse)
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