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Everything posted by Wok

  1. Wok

    Auckland Visit

    If I don't remember BAllistic will say Hi Getting 4 b/n for ya Mystic on Tuesday night
  2. Yeah I guess you are right mystic. Would be like looking through a window at a side show :lol: :roll:
  3. I think they are breeding cause Mystic isn't there to stare at them all day lol
  4. Wok

    Auckland Visit

    Thanks for posting them up for me Ballistic. Cheers
  5. Wok

    Bent Spine?

    I have had a few guppies that were like that. It seems to be a birth defect.... they are now with the chiropractor in the big sky.
  6. Wok


    dawn you can buy brushes for pipes that are quite long and flexible. they have a difffent size brush at both ends and is using a metal cable to allow you to clean filter hoses. works a treat, cause I have one.
  7. You started it... Lol :lol: it is so hard to type when you are rolling on the floor trying not to laugh so loud and holding your stomach at the same time because of the cramp. :lol:
  8. another good idea for the tank is to set it up at my place I do have room for it I think :-? but the idea of blaming Mystic is a good one :roll:
  9. Wok

    Auckland Visit

    It would be great if Ballistic could post the pics of my tanks up. I don't have a digital camera so it was good that Ballistic did.
  10. Wok

    Auckland Visit

    Club meeting is actually Tuesday 12 April BAllistic. 7.30pm
  11. Wok

    Auckland Visit

    I thought the rule for married MEN was. LOOK but DON'T touch... too much :roll: :lol:
  12. Wok

    Auckland Visit

    Oh yeah forgot about that. How do you know about Show Girls? :-? Seems like you know it well :roll: We will be going for dinner though and then to my house to look at my fish tanks..... then maybe showgirls.....Do you recommend it Mystic
  13. Wok


    Welcome Aquagold. Hope to see more of you around the forums and in the chatrooms too.
  14. Wok

    Hellooo everybody!

    Welcome Laura Just keep the stuff on MA coming. It is so funny :lol:
  15. From my limited experiences with Angels is that yes they will go with what you have at the moment but you will find that your guppies and neons may reduce in numbers and the angels increase in size even if you don't feed them. This is just what I have experienced.
  16. It's only what I heard from the rumour mill Caryl Its been running rampant lately :lol: I mean there will be a tag team down there.... Caryl, Kim, lots from Kapimana club. It should be fun. 8)
  17. With you there Caryl..... anything is possible. :lol:
  18. Wok


    Ummmm Can't make it on the 17th Can I do it on the 1st April :roll: Ha ha ha :lol:
  19. Bristlenose Catfish Most Loaches (clown, striata, Kuhli.....) Port Hoplo Catfish Discus
  20. Thanks for all the replies every one. My Kribs are only 2cm long at the moment so hopefully they won't cause too much trouble. Don't have anything that is at risk of falling over if they do a bit of excavating. Been in there for 3 days so far and no problems. Cheers everyone Wok
  21. Hi. Just got some very cheap Kribensis and just wondering whether they are ok in a community tank with Discus, Bristlenose, Guppies and Clown loaches. Cheers Wok
  22. congrats ballistic. Beautiful babies.
  23. I would say 18mm thick custom wood would be suitable as I currently have a stand made entirely out of 18mm. Most important thing to note is that custom wood will sag, especially on the top if you have no bracing. for a 4 ft long top I would ensure that you had 4 pieces of uprights in the frame. 2 sides and 2 in the middle to spread the weight. 4x2 in the front and back would not hurt either but I would have it rebated into the uprights so that it also has support. To stop the customwood from soaking up the water I would recomment that you paint it really well to stop water from being absorbed into the customwood. Polyurathane will do the trick quite nicely. better still if you can get hold of the meltica coversheets for the top would make quite a difference.
  24. Wahoo!!!! and the othernight you said they won't be spawning untill the end of the year. Congrats Seahorsemad
  25. Just a tip North shore club meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month Auckland Fishkeepers meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. you might consider 3rd Tuesday of every month. just an Idea.
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