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  1. I have got some fluke tabs and have figured out the dosage etc. My problem is if one loach died of it, wouldn't it be likely the other has them too? The petshop said I should remove him from the tank. The packet says uses with caution on scaleless fish. What would you do? Wouldn't treating the tank without treating him cause the flukes to repopulate once I put him back? Please advise - help!
  2. 10 minutes after that post she was dead.
  3. Thanks for that - I'll start treatment tomorrow.
  4. The little trollop had enough energy to climb out of the hospital. I'm going to have to catch her again and put a lid on it. *shaking head* :-?
  5. Her gills look an ok colour. I have stroked her with a cotton bud now - no mean feat. If there are parasites what would be the recommended treatment. I know clowns are super sensitive.
  6. It is having rapid gill movements and the only thing I can see looks like a single piece of hair or something (short) hanging out of one gill. She is really distressed and lying on her side alot. I have managed to catch her now and put her in a cloth/plastic hospital/jail hoping that the cloth will drag the fluff off her. Her body is completely clear or any marks or sores. I have put melafix in the tank and there is a small amount of salt in there too. My initial reaction to her hiding was that the kribs who have laid eggs again had bullied her, and that is still a probability - but I don't know what to do for her. Can I touch her without damaging her? (Still trying to figure out how to get the hair off/out)
  7. Hi - there is a virus that is very similar to the human acne that goldfish can get. They show up as large white pustules on the head. I had it go through my gf tank with no bad effects. (When I asked at the pet shop about it they said that would be what my fish had and that no treatment was necessary - other than keeping the tank clean and using melafix or salt). I don't know if other breeds of fish can get it but assume they can.
  8. Its just started today, with 2 spots on my rainbow shark and 1 on a fin of my clown loach. I have checked the water temp and it had fallen to 25 degrees so tweeked it up. I understand that normal treatments can be bad for the loaches. Any advice?
  9. karey

    Bent Spine?

    My guppy had about 30 babies and went through a bit of a rough spot. Her shape has changed so she looks like she has a hump on her back just forward of the top fin and her tail droops at about 45 degrees from there. She is using it, but not swishing it as the others do. She is eating well and seems OK in every other way except for looking nasty and resting frequently. Is there anything I can do for her?
  10. My female guppy gave birth to 30 odd babies and seems to have had some sort of disablement. Her tail now hangs at about 45 degree angle. She is extremely agressive and just looks skinny (though not so bad as to think she wasn't eating, which she is). She is swimming by using her front fins mainly, though she does appear to be using the tail for steerage, but not swishing it like the others. As to the agression - she was in the nursery tank but just battering to get out after a few days rest so I put her back in the main tank as there are plants etc for her to hide in and I thought it might help - she is chasing the males and chewing their tails. I know I'd be cranky if I had 30 babies, but really! Does anyone have any idea what is going on and what I can do? I've been putting anti-septic in the tank to deal with the tail chewing and try to prevent any sort of infection from that, but I'm at a loss what to do with/for her.
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