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Everything posted by Wok

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  2. Wok

    chat room

    As long as you get to the Kiwi - juice spill quickly it won't stain much :roll: I now have patches of green tinge on my light coloured carpet (I sell Kiwifruit juice. thats what Alan is on about. :lol: ) Hope to see more of you in the chatrooms. 8) .
  3. Excellent. These are more than likely blood worms. very good for fish to eat. Leave them in the tank if you can.
  4. Wok

    Indian fern

    The Cake Tin is where the Food Show is being held Alan. So I guess it will not be available, however there will be a lot of free sampling (if you can call it that since you need to pay $15 to get in) Anyway I only throw food cause Jude normally starts it :lol: and I have been reasonably good this year
  5. This could work for people who wanted to set up an automatic water changer couldn't it? I mean it would be able to turn off the water supply if someone was doing a water change and had left the tap running.
  6. Just as a side note: Would it be best to place the heater close to the outlet flow of the filter so that the water is warmed when the water enters the tank and then gets pushed around? :-? Better than placing a heater in an area of the tank where there is no circulation. Just an opinion. What do you guys think? Placement of heater is also important. I have placed my heater next to my spray bar expecting it to heat the water and have it pushed around the tank.
  7. Port Hoplo's will also do well in cooler water. I have 2 in with my orandas and they grow really fast.
  8. Welcome Morf Great pics of your tank and fishes. Nice you should try and join us in the chatroom around 9.00pm NZ Time. We sometimes talk about fish too. :lol: Hope to see more posts from you. Wok
  9. Wok

    Indian fern

    I'll bring the drinks. No prizes for guessing what type :lol:
  10. Disucus are looking awesome dogmatix
  11. Wok

    Indian fern

    Cool I can see a dinner party being planned. Yay :roll:
  12. Wok

    Indian fern

    hmmmm if you want lots then I better get planting then shouldn't I? :-?
  13. Wok

    Indian fern

    Good thinking Ballistic. It should work. I guess you would want some too?
  14. Wok

    Indian fern

    I have heaps of Indian Fern and growing like crazy. shame my sister ain't up or I would be able to get her to take some down with her Jude / Mystic. Can you wait till May? I will be down then.
  15. Bright pink deep Shag pile on the dash.... who needs air bags. lol
  16. There is always the hood and the roof of the car. LOL
  17. Are you finally getting the scales and flames painted on Mystic?
  18. See Jude I told you to waterproof the room You could end up with an indoor pond anytime soon :lol:
  19. you can always get some glue and stick a whisker back on (using a hair from your head) :lol:
  20. I think it would be brown instead alan. Lol
  21. lol alan :lol: Unfortunately I don't think the stuff that comes out will be white :lol:
  22. Wok

    pond fish

    Good one Funkytown. rofl
  23. didn't know you could get milking machines for worms too :-?
  24. Port Hoplo Catfish will live in that temperature, Peppered Catfish will also do well, you can always try inanga, or banded kokopu
  25. Thingy that Blows Bubbles: air pump with air stone - use to create a current and dissolve oxygen into the water Big Tube connected to small tube Gravel Cleaner - place the big tube into the tank and syphon water from the small tube. fish crap will come out of the gravel and into the bucket while the gravel will only move around and remain in the tank. You will definitely required a filter. Corner Air filter will be your cheapest option at the moment. you can use your airpump to operate it.
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