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Everything posted by darkfur

  1. maybe they're gay? I have pigeons that prefer same-sex relationships
  2. darkfur

    do u have ????

    think redwood had them a while back
  3. darkfur

    name my rooster

    I have blue, black and splash and my boy is certainly a splash
  4. would like Whittakers to experiment with some more soft centres. I bet they would do a rockin mint
  5. as far as I know if you have enough of it it, it is. I suppose that goes for most metals.
  6. I envisage a goldfish breeding operation :lol:
  7. daaaaaarrrrrkk alllmmmoonddd (we need a drooling smilie)
  8. Just thinking, as you are a mummy you probably know which are really good brands of kids and baby clothes and gear that can be resold. There seems to often be very good quality stuff languishing at the opshops that just need laundering and marketing. You'll know the best stuff, don't bother with cheap brands or worn out stuff. Snaffle the best that the opshops have and resell them. Also hold a party where all your lovely yummy mummy friends can swap baby/kid stuff for a small entrance fee, say $10 and they get a glass of wine to help things along. They bring their gear and hand it to you, you give them tokens representing the value of what they bought and they can spend it on goodies other people brought along. Advertise it at the kindy. Sell stuff you nabbed at the opshops too. At the end anything left over ask if you can hang on to and resell it on TM.
  9. what do you know really well? I recently made some money by going to local opshops and identifying 80s toys that I remember as a kid that are now collectable (cabbage patch, my little pony, daisy) and selling them on TM. Got $120 for one daisy doll by researching her on the internet before selling. Paid $10 for her. But it wouldn't have to be dolls. If there is something you can see at the salvos that would sell for a lot more on TM go for it. My favourites to sell: the old fashioned glass lemon squeezers (pay a couple of $, sell for $10 or so) and pre-1970s knitting and sewing patterns. Check what things are going for on TM first and then set a budget of what you will spend and raid the thrift shops and garage sales. You are bound to know something well enough to be a good trader of it. Best of luck!
  10. gotta be careful if you collect rainwater what roof it comes off, galv roofs can add a lot of zinc to your water
  11. darkfur

    name my rooster

    he was called "Hiwi the Kiwi" by his previous owners because he didn't have much of a tail. I've changed it to Hughie the Rooey so he learns quickly when I'm calling him. He's got another batch of kids now, 22 of them. Good thing roosters don't pay child support!
  12. there are some super-cute videos on you-tube of cockies singing their favourite songs. I like one with a redneck guy called Willie whose cockie Bubba does Elvis's hounddog:
  13. they notice that it gets your attention when the real one goes so they see if it will work for them
  14. if Paul B took a photo of the tank of leopardfish he has he would definitely win. It's seething!
  15. gorgeous, save some for me PM me when they be ready. The big marble HM you sold me is getting even bigger lol and blew his first bubbles yesterday.
  16. nope, she's a girl so she just squeaks. I have two boys, one lutino and one normal grey, that do telephones and songs but they haven't managed words yet. Sunny sometimes babbles like a baby that is learning to talk, that's the best they can do. They tend to bust out the telephone noises when they want to impress
  17. yep I wish I had sooner he was my favourite fishie
  18. watch closely I lost a lovely HM to a bacterial infection that had little more than cloudy eyes as a symptom. Saved the rest with Furan
  19. darkfur

    Platy spitting

    yeah my leopard fish are like that unless the flake is soft or the pellets are microscopic. 'Tis nothing to worry about
  20. darkfur

    2nd filter ideas

    you can always make your own internal air-powered filter. Take a plastic container (I like the ones they sell vitamins such as omega 3 in) and drill lots of little holes in the base - make it like a colander. Drill a hole in the lid that snugly fits some airline, and also colander-ify the lid. Fit airline tubing so that it goes down to the base then fill with your choice of filter material eg carbon (put in pantyhose first), bionoods, zeolite, filterwool. I have seen chopped plastic straws used in lieu of bionoods, and aquarium gravel makes a suitable biofiltration bed too. If you've done it right, air goes down the tube to the bottom, then percolates back up through the filter material dragging water with it as it goes and back up out the holes in the top of the lid. Easy peasy and cheap enough for scrooge. And you can make whatever size/shape you want.
  21. you could try using a really wide piece of tubing (1 inch or more) as a siphon? or take the head off the siphon and just use the tube? that should suck it up ok. I take it the child in question is too young to be forced to do the dirty work, so you will have to hold it over her as a guilt trip for when she is older
  22. poor Phoenix my hard-won tip from flatting is to develop a power-base in your flat. Never let two people move in who are together or friends unless you have a majority on your side to outvote them/ beat them up if necessary.
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