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Everything posted by darkfur

  1. I have horrible green water with daphnia growing in it? I was thinking of going and getting some water from the Petone bore too. Hutt water is so yuck for fish and herps. It's got really high GH
  2. the peat was probably good, lots of the old books reckon you should put peat in your filter provided the fish like soft acid water
  3. Diet affecting colour could be why mine are dark, there are rotting oak leaves in that container
  4. the three hatchling axys have all died now the NH3 level was way up but whether that was cause or effect I am not sure. Was wondering if some daphnia were dying and polluting things. Alan are daphnia kind of big for newly hatched axys? Was wondering if perhaps they were not eating them and going hungry. Good news is at least one egg was showing signs of life as in being squirmy when I was doing a water change/cleanup so hope there yet
  5. quite bizarre - the most vicious thing my mollies ever do is kiss my fingers if I am rearranging stuff in their tank
  6. sounds weird they have a rep for being gentle, mine certainly are, I can trust them with any fry
  7. woman is barking up the wrong tree(frog) that's a bell for sure
  8. I was driving through the Wairarapa countryside one rainy night and there was a mass migration over one part of the road it looked like :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: only more so tried my best to not squish too many!
  9. you can put some pebbles in the filter, weighs it down and acts as a biofilter medium
  10. I find that the noisiness of airpumps applies mainly to the small ones as their weight doesn't stabilize them against their motor movement. If you have a bigger one they are surprisingly quiet especially if you sit them on a sponge or something to dampen the vibrations. Magicgrip is good to sit them on too. For little wee tanks I just make my own airdriven filters out of pill bottles. Here is a not very good photo of one in action The beauty is that you can drill whatever size holes you feel like and use the media of your choice. Drill little holes in top and bottom of container, drill a bigger hole for tubing, add tubing with airstone (push to the bottom), add media and voila you have your bespoke filter. It's not pretty but neither are most airpowered filters.
  11. nice! what you need to do now is make sure noone with a sprayer of roundup ever gets within cooee of that pond. Also the NZ frog survey would be glad to hear from you I am sure, they do sterling work
  12. ok so I have those three axys which have hatched as above and yet the others have not yet. Most of the eggs still look viable to me, a couple of days ago I saw some movement. I did pull out a cloudy egg today. Do I have a problem here (with the axolotls that is lol )? One of the younguns died this am the others seem happy on daphnia. Specs are, very tiny air powered filter that I made myself out of a pill bottle running very gently (eggs not being jostled or anything), water temp 20C, water depth about 8cm, pH approx 6, GH approx 30, nitrates and nitrites 0, ammonia 1ppm since this am presumably due to the fatality. Will change about 1C of water using stresscoat and stresszyme in appropriately tiny amounts. BTW my chinese fbn eggs arrived today!!!!! Alan and other herpetophiles wisdom very welcome thank you in advance, the fur
  13. darkfur

    name my rooster

    would love to thankyou
  14. no lotto numbers as of yet but I live in hope
  15. sounds like your rainwater might not be so good either, maybe the roof needs a wee clean? any bird poopies will muck up the ammonia and nitrates
  16. 1 heater works if its a quality one, if you use cheaper ones its best to make up the wattage from 2 in case one fails, then the fish don't freeze while you rush to get a new one going
  17. its disturbing both ways! I must have a clean and virtuous mind as I only saw the face until the other piece of anatomy was pointed out
  18. darkfur

    name my rooster

    they always shake their heads when you want a photo lol
  19. yep in Porirua there is a place anyway called Poly Palace I think you should put it in a garden pond and let it float again its cool and fish would like hiding under it
  20. Cool fluoro babies! Can't wait to see that I think the temperature is going to be ok as they came from a local breeder who overwintered his outside in an aviary with plastic sheeting sheltering it, so very similar conditions to here. I watched them carefully last night to see if they seemed chilled and they were fine. Interesting about the lack of down.
  21. they are in a 4' x 4' x 2' flight cage on an enclosed patio, they are so little that its plenty of room for them. I understand they might get cold in a fully outdoor aviary this far south but our patio has plastic blinds enclosing it so it's very warm
  22. hmmmmmmmmm well I sell them so can't reveal the exact composition but the basic gist of it is, get all your dry ingredients (seed, fruit, veg, nuts etc) together and measure how many cups you have, mix in 1 egg white per cup of dry mix, bake in foil-lined terracotta pots for 1 hour at 100 degrees C. I don't use honey as its kind of fattening and the egg whites make a less sticky mess (although its still kinda messy) there are some very good recipes at birdsnways (google it) and I developed my recipe from one of theirs
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