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Everything posted by darkfur

  1. came from Hutt Pets, 2 left there, 1M 1? (wasn't showing fins off properly). 4 in new Porirua store, quarantined, didn't check sexes
  2. purr purr purrrrrr just picked mine up (sitting in their plastic bag in their new home right now). Pics in a few days when they feel more at home
  3. kribs could and would do that if they were in a mean mood
  4. waiting for mine to come out of quarantine, apparently they got whitespot. oh well better they get sick on someone else's dollar
  5. it was going right through a big wodge of fine filter wool, that pollen is sneaky stuff!
  6. my rainwater has pine pollen in it at the moment, you can get rid of it by using a flocculant - look for a product called water clarifier or similar that says it works by sticking the particles together. It makes the particles clump so they don't go right through the filter. The pollen was going right through my filters before I flocculated it
  7. if that was a bird I would call it lutino (lacking all pigments but yellows)
  8. don't have them yet and price is yet to be confirmed but once I have them I will reveal the details
  9. oo la la any rumours of some in the Wellington region?
  10. way cool I want some anyone know what they are selling for? do I have to mortgage the house or just sell the car?
  11. platy fry are good eaters on account of their size. they will usually eat crushed flake happily
  12. must have been having a moment when I did that have averted death by overfeeding by siphoning out wormies with a pipette. they weren't dead yet though (the worms, or the newts for that matter)
  13. three of ten have hatched so far put about 1/4 tsp (probably less) of microworms in there as I figure they won't go grotty too fast (at least not before morning). One of the babies is floating at the top in a ball. It's definitely alive though. What's it up to?
  14. been to the new LFS in Porirua, good clean tanks but not very interesting range of fish (yet?) although they did have some threadfin rainbows my pic is Animalz in Petone, nice marine section, healthy fish, clean tanks, good range. Its on Jackson St opp the intersection with Cuba St
  15. not absolutely sure but I think in many cases you need a resource consent to tamper with certain species of native trees, probably depends on your local authority
  16. according to what I have read (TJ Thornton and some online) it would be borderline small
  17. mollies are weird like that, most people find them easy but a few just can't keep them I have a dash of aquarium salt in my tank. That said, traceytrout has a bajillion mollies without a skerrick of salt
  18. ooooooooo my chinese FBNs are hatching :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: they look like little bird poos!
  19. if they want to grow cabbage trees they shouldn't get rid of the swamp. Cabbies love swamps. Maybe ask them if they would like to leave the swamp as is and add a few cabbage trees.
  20. they're probably looking for algae and might not even realise the discus are fishies. Mollies aren't all that smart
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