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About missaby

  • Birthday 01/18/1982

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  • Location
    pukehina, tepuke
  • About You
    animals!!!, i breed long haired guinea pigs, flemish giant rabbits, long haired chihuahuas, guppies and siamese fighters.... actually most of thoses just breed themselves :)and own 2 1/2 horses a cat and a frog

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  1. forgot to mention, her scales were normal, she was fat but then they usually are just before giving birth, she looked normal to me
  2. hi guys sorry comp was down, no none of the fry survived it , maybe thats a good thing though. none of my other females have done this so maybe there was too many fry or something,they were certainly big enough to be born though.hopefully it was a one time thing!
  3. my male guppy has become very very fat so much that he has a little bit of difficulty swimming, it has happened fast and the swelling looks to be all over the undersides and sides of him, can they get bloat? or is it a parasite? i have isolated him and put wunder tonic in the tank just incase it helps lol i dont know what to do next any suggestions? :oops:
  4. is this normal??? i mean has it happened to others? its the first i have had burst, she had fry ready to be born but split down the middle! will this happen often? awful way to go
  5. hate to say it but i found something that stops the over run of fry.... bolivian rams!!! i added some to our tank and havent had babies since.... now i want fry!.... dam rams, just as well theyre pretty
  6. missaby

    wet pets

    hi they are great for variety, i agree with lyndyloo tho bit highly priced, most of the fish staff know what they are talking about(just make sure you talk to the right person :lol: ) well worth a look if your in the area
  7. wow ok where do i get furan2 from? my girl is only 3mths maybe, gorgeous fish and would hate to lose her,she seems to be a bit better now she is in a new tank(bossing the rams and guppies around) but better safe than sorry
  8. thanks lyndyloo i have put her into my guppy tank in a separate compartment as she had stopped eating and this morning she had started eating again so hopefully shel keep getting better
  9. hi guys i noticed the other day that my female simese fighter has slight clouding over her eyes, she is in a tank on her own and still sees the daphnia that i put in and eats well, should i be concerned? what should i do?
  10. ok sorry about the late reply, only just reading these now after setting up my betta display tank with a new aq 1 heater and finding the white slime in the bottom of the filter/pump area(where the heater is) after cleaning it off a few times i have now found that it is blocking the taps (these are usually constantly running into each separate tank) any ideas on how to get rid of it??? at first i thought it had some thing to do with ph levels but after reading the comments atleast i now know whats causing it!
  11. does anyone know of someome willing to sell some to start a culture? ive been looking for betta fry feed aswell and would prefer self suficient
  12. hi everyone, i have some babies lookin 4 homes if anyone is interested 8 will be 4 weeks old on 6/8/09, 3 will be 4 weeks old on 10/8/09, they are $25 each or 2 for $40, also have 2 5month olds $10 each they are in tepuke/papamoa area
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