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Everything posted by darkfur

  1. no need for roosters the chooks will happily make eggs without a boyfriend. Mine are suburban.
  2. my menagerie: 40 pigeons 5 ringneck doves 5 cats 4 cockatiels 2 white canaries 2 zebra finches 7 cayuga ducks 20 muscovy ducks 10 hens untold number of japanese quail (bf breeds them) 3 chinese quail 4 whistling tree frogs goldfish bettas golden gouramis mollies gbas platys rams (blue and gold balloons) guppies uh I think that's it... if you have a back yard, chickens are such great pets and what other pet makes your breakfast for you? they are dead easy to keep, cheap, entertaining, friendly and useful. And if they really antagonise you you can eat them.
  3. mine's favourite food is guppy fry :evil:
  4. maybe you can sell the fur on that place, I see there is a border collie's undercoat for sale for someone to spin. In the US you can actually send your trimmings off to be spun and get them back as a ball of yarn!
  5. maybe it's your monitor? she has grey fur which is a bit rusty from lying in the sun, and she has mid-green eyes. She's a purty girl
  6. the strange floating is because they get a fatty liver if they have a vit a deficiency. I had one of these years ago before there was good turtle food around and had to give her codliver oil enemas. They don't feel like eating if they can't see. It definitely sounds like a deficiency to me. You may well have to force feed her, best of luck. PS my turtle recovered but always floated wonky. And always resented me for the enemas lol! If you can get her to snap you can eyedropper c.l.o into her mouth. Haven't had turtles for years I imagine there may be better/easier treatments out there, but c.l.o will work
  7. sounds nice might have to hit them up to get me a male
  8. I would be willing to help with the transport for a small erm, fee (cough, cough)
  9. I read about this in the paper some guy in Invercargill is donating his massive coral collection worth $10000 to the aquarium - they'd better not kill it link to article http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/hawkes-bay/2424667/Coral-gift-to-aquarium yes I am jealous of a guy with a decent car's worth of money to spend on coral!
  10. Animalz in Petone $31 Some cool colours I picked up a lovely lilac and there is an almost as pretty one left There are some nice white and black dalmationy ones too, plenty of turquoises and blues. No reds that I saw. Suddenly all the females coming out of the woodwork! :bounce:
  11. cool homebrew and fertilization in one great idea
  12. she's a rescue cat believe it or not her mother was a plain black stray so her dad was probably quite fancy I fostered her for cats protection and we got too attached to each other lol I am normally pretty good at giving them away though
  13. oh man now I have drool all over my keyboard :oops:
  14. garden centres, brew shops and pet centres sell small plastic heat pads for about $40, we use one for my bf's brew yeast. We got it from oderings. It is designed to keep things about 20 degrees or so. I wish I could find one that would be just a wee bit hotter then it would be mint for putting small betta tanks on! Yes I did try putting a small empty (other than water) tank on it and taking the temperature and it could only get it to about 18 degrees consistently, thats not quite enough for a betta boy right guys? NB I think you may be able to order one online from oderings but then you will get stung for a courier. Anyway, they are about 25cm square, royal blue and waterproof and bloody fantastic if you ask me. I use them for all sorts of things such as warming up sick animals, germinating seeds.
  15. I think the table one would be ok to clean, you would just need a powered siphon. You can see the top comes off easily
  16. nice fish where did you get him from?
  17. that should wash out fine incidentally phosphoric acid is what gives Coke its zing. Which is why Coke can clean your toilet
  18. don't forget to give those stones a boil - the stream that runs to Owhiro bay is polluted. Oh, I hate knowing these things sometimes. So long as you don't get anything from Waiwhetu stream - its so polluted that some metals are almost at mineable levels . I always feel ill when I see people fishing from it. On the other hand you might be able to fish up a mutant fish with 3 eyes a la the Simpsons.
  19. new betta keeper myself but all the websites etc I have researched say 1 gallon is the minimum which if I am not mistaken is a little less than 4 litres. Obviously water quality is of the utmost importance with such a teeny tank
  20. Anthuriums (anthuria???) are sometimes sold in the $3 "Petite Pot" size grade at the red shed and garden centres. The suppliers seem to rotate what they send. You can get Syngonium and so on in that grade too. I suspect none of them would last long completely immersed. Bit OT but I find that range useful for landscaping my whistlies' :bounce: habitat (I am told "paludarium" is the correct term but they are Australians and have trouble understanding words like that).
  21. 30L might be a bit small for 4 rams. Maybe just a pair, since they are pretty territorial :evil: when they are breeding. BTW Lyall Bay beach sand - probably not your best location since it's just around the corner from the sewage treatment plant. Having worked there I can say they treat to one of the highest standards you can get but I would imagine its a little eutrophied there. Also all the stormwater drains drain out onto the beach so diluted dog doo and stuff from Lyall Bay's gutters inevitably ends up on the beach. It's safe to swim in but I would hesitate to make my fishies live in it because it will introduce nitrogen and g.o.k what else. I'd go somewhere where there should be less run off like Makara Beach. The less-used the beach the better imho. Somewhere away from hard surfaces like concrete that drain off onto the beach, which is why Makara would be my preference.
  22. there aren't all that many really small granules. I find a lot of fish don't really like flake that much. And there aren't all that many good baby fish foods in NZ - not that you don't have to mortgage your house for anyway. Maybe specialist baby food for different types of babies. Oh and the axolotl and tadpole food market is fairly open, there's one tablet I am aware of but it doesn't seem that flash to me, otherwise all frozen food which is great but expensive and somewhat messy
  23. thank you! I just got a pair of blue balloons, am hoping I can convince them to do the deed. A bit nervous as they are no doubt even more sensitive than the normal blues
  24. most livebearers do better if there are 3 or so females to a male so the girls don't get harassed too much. Once you have a big group it doesn't seem to be such a problem
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