When I worked for a vet my alltime favourite cat name was Wookie - the cat was a ginger that seriously looked like Chewbacca. There was also one called Goosemonster on the books but I never caught up with the owner to ask why. Same person had another called Lovecat.
99% of people have something like: Samantha, Misty, Jack, Kitty, Blackie, Socks
Then there are the Goosemonsters
Whatever you do please don't name it something really naff: there were a pair called Espresso and Latte and I felt embarrassed for them.
I have fostered about 30 (lost count) kittens for cats protection and am running out of inspiration so don't ask me! One of the other fosterer's kids name the kittens after their classmates lol. My best was a manky persian tom that looked like Shrek the merino, which led to several manky persian toms being Shrek II, III etc