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Everything posted by darkfur

  1. proud dad took him out last night and then promptly freaked out because the babies decided to swim all over the place and I can't see them too easily! think they are all still ok! it was much easier to spot them when dad had them all corralled
  2. will try to post a photo of proud dad today
  3. have little spermies in the tank today
  4. I think there is meant to be a genetic component to good parents so you will be doing the fishy community a favour by breeding these guys
  5. I quite like to use 2 lower watt heaters instead of one big one, that way if one blows it usually stays warm enough for everyone to stay alive until you can rectify things
  6. dumb luck got them to breed without killing the female or any other mishaps, dad is now anxiously guarding his nest. The parents aren't too fancy since I thought I would learn to breed them before investing in supermodels. Dad is a turquoise VT and mum is a turquoise/red delta
  7. thats one heck of a lot of rams! Well done! Great to have a pair that do the job so well
  8. keep an eye out for bleeds like that, sometimes they won't stop on their own. it's a good idea to go to the pet shop or vet and get some styptic powder to have on hand just in case. I have a quail that stubs her toe and breaks her nail on a regular basis and it's a total bloodbath sometimes . Cockies moult for the first time at 4 months old which coincidentally is about the time they are often sold, and they have a lot of blood feathers at that time.
  9. Amazingly last night I thought of a name for you. I was thinking Ginga or Gingy didn't sound very feminine, so maybe you could call her Ginnie?
  10. are you a wedding release outfit Barrie? I am going into that myself. Took me a while to find good white homing stock as opposed to garden whites.
  11. Farm river water contains loads of fertilizer runoffs - did you check the nitrate and phosphate levels? It's probably fertilizing that yucky algae. The algae could be robbing the water of O2 as well.
  12. thanks Barrie I didn't especially think it was coccidiocis since they had no diarrhoea or vomiting, and they didn't have any signs of canker either, but they will be tested for both because I don't want my remaining doves or pigeons getting sick. Agree with the lack of knowledge in NZ - I use the Rob Marshall book for my homing pigeons.
  13. When I worked for a vet my alltime favourite cat name was Wookie - the cat was a ginger that seriously looked like Chewbacca. There was also one called Goosemonster on the books but I never caught up with the owner to ask why. Same person had another called Lovecat. 99% of people have something like: Samantha, Misty, Jack, Kitty, Blackie, Socks Then there are the Goosemonsters Whatever you do please don't name it something really naff: there were a pair called Espresso and Latte and I felt embarrassed for them. I have fostered about 30 (lost count) kittens for cats protection and am running out of inspiration so don't ask me! One of the other fosterer's kids name the kittens after their classmates lol. My best was a manky persian tom that looked like Shrek the merino, which led to several manky persian toms being Shrek II, III etc
  14. crikey @ price of shearing dog I think you deserve to get a jersey out of that! Glad I have kitty cats Embarrassing fact :oops: : one of the cats has fur that felts really easily and for the last few years the bf has been gathering the brushings into a hard ball (the Bert ball). It's grapefruit size now which is pretty impressive for a shorthaired cat.
  15. not an angel keeper, but some tetras are nippy. I had some beautiful conchu's blue tetras but they were terrors and bit the guppies and drove the rams mental.
  16. made the mistake of letting the reps at the bird show do all the handling when buying them, I'm sure I would have noticed the skinniness had I handled them. It's not that obvious to the eye since they are pretty fluffy birds. LOL at Tegel chicken, I know what you mean since I have plenty of other birds but if they were like a Tegel I'd be worried there were steroids in their food. Commercial chickens are weird.
  17. best of luck never heard of the iodine thing before, can't have been much fun for her swimming in that
  18. mmm I don't know how the law works with livestock. If it was a normal consumer purchase the vet bills would count as consequential loss and they would be obliged to cover it. I think that it shouldn't be too hard to prove the doves were sick if i have the opinion of Massey and my own vet. I just don't want every other bird in my household dying if they have something transmissible.
  19. I got 4 ringneck doves from the local poultry/pigeon show 2 weeks ago to live in my aviary with my other 4, and 3 of the new ones have died on me Vet is trying to figure out what happened but it looks like they were really malnourished before I got them and the stress of the move and the bad weather was too much for them. One of them I found in a coma and tried to save her with the vets help with syringe feeding and a heatpack but she only perked up for a few hours. I weighed her after she died and she weighed only 98g, compared to a couple of mine I weighed which were 209g and 207g. The last one surviving of the new ones is 170g and I think he will be ok. They were only $5 birds but its been so horrible and the vet bills will be monstrous because they have had to send samples to Massey for postmortem to make sure there is nothing infectious for my other birds to catch. I honestly think they must have been really run down before I got them because a bird can't lose half its body weight in 2 weeks (unless you didn't feed it AT ALL). Do you guys think I would be justified in going after the seller for a refund and the vet costs?
  20. lol I have a 10 minute video somewhere of my bfs cat trying to get his undivided attention on the sofa. She was rubbing herself against his face so much that he had fur caught in his stubble!
  21. Would love to get hold of a white lyretail to breed the lyres into my white strain, pref a white boy for obvious reasons. PM me ok?
  22. Rams. They are just soooooo damn cute. Closely followed by BBGs because they look like grumpy little old men. I must have a small fish thing going on.
  23. I guess they must have some way of cleaning it up. Sheeps wool doesn't smell too great straight off the beast either. I have seen at libraries a book about spinning dog wool, it must be reasonably easy. I remember the subtitle being something like "better a sweater from a dog you know and love than a sheep you'll never meet"!
  24. she's a complete airhead though, I think she has candyfloss where her brains should be. No need to worry about her learning to forge my signature for my credit card. I think she may have gone for the handbag on account of it being pretty pink. She loves pink, she won a giant pink fluffy scratching post from Iams in a draw and she adores it but its kind of overpowering the decor. The other 4 cats are lukewarm on it.
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