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Everything posted by darkfur

  1. i'm working on starting my business as a dove wrangler ( I take doves to people's weddings, funerals etc). Doing a show at Upper Hutt library next Wednesday if anyone is interested
  2. darkfur

    some pics

    ahh what a lovely boy, hope you get some bubbas off him this time
  3. yikes! ok! I have just been reading online that putty softens up if heated, should I give it a blast with my hairdryer? I guess I can't go too wrong, its already broken
  4. I'm no expert but I think it falls under the category of "consequential loss" - ie something you bought damaged your property as a result of its failure. I would call the consumers advice bureau (i think that is what they are called. consumers something anyway)
  5. maybe you could use another small tank as a sump? if space is not a problem
  6. just had a look... can't *see* any rust on the wire, it actually looks really shiny. Although I imagine it takes very little to cause a problem. On the other hand it could have been one of my uncles when they were small who cracked it!
  7. you reckon I should take it to the local glass blokes and have them make a new bottom pane? the putty is pretty darn retro I must say. It has been coming out in chunks on the other sides.
  8. here's some pics. Hopefully you can see the crack. That putty on the bottom pane just don't wanna budge! this is the stand, it turned out a *lot* different colour from what I was expecting of "off-white". Off-banana!
  9. can't get under it.. will give it another go though
  10. google cyanobacteria to find out all about it. It harms dogs in the hutt river occasionally
  11. thanks! it's a bit of a mission but it does have sentimental value.. the stand is really cool. I always remember it being at grandma's but she never had fish in it in my memory. She had this naff shell display lol but my mum remembers her keeping black moors in it. I can't get the bottom piece of glass out of the frame is my current problem, and the bottom one is the broken one. Anyone know how to loosen up the putty? I don't think i can smash it out on account of the wire reinforcing. I was thinking of taking the lid, which is just a rectangular piece the size of the frame and has no corners off it for air (no wonder grandmas fish died), and siliconing it to the underside of the frame in contact with the broken piece.
  12. try this site http://www.petfish.net/kb/13/ the first listing may well work for you although I wouldn't use a film canister myself on account of the chemicals. A pill bottle would work!
  13. looking good Georgia! I'm sure you will take special care with her diet. I think that might have been what originally sent Speedy down his sad road. That one I had years ago was never completely perfect after her illness, she always floated wonky due to the fatty liver. I'm sure you did the right thing for Speedy poor little chap. Glad to hear Georgia is acting perkier, mine was the same, she found having puffy eyes very upsetting and got happier as they recovered.
  14. lol I never knew what his sons were called. That raises some questions doesn't it?
  15. has anyone ever fixed up an old metal frame tank? I want to sort out the tank that belonged to my grandma, in construction it is a bit like this one: but without whatever that is inside there! So far I have cleaned up the stand and repainted and sealed it, taken the glass off the metal and cleaned off the putty, and cleaned the paint and rust off the metal. Was going to stick the tank back together with silicone. Any tips? The bottom panel of glass has a fine crack in it that has me worried, can I bog it up with silicone? That particular panel has wire grid running through it so it's not going to fall apart but it might leak if i don't get it right. PS tank is 60x30x30
  16. btw my girls are turning a delicate shade of orange - I have seen it referred to as "creamsicle" (mmmm creamsicle.....), I suppose they have some orange genes in the mix somewhere
  17. don't syphon it with your mouth (i'm sure you wouldn't anyway) - some cyanobacteria are quite toxic to humans. You wouldn't ingest enough to kill you unless you had a good sized dose of it but it could make you a bit ill or give you a rash
  18. not that he's a naturalist but I kind of fancy Bear Grylls. Although it would be offputting to snog a man who's drunk his own urine (repeatedly). His wife must put up with a lot.
  19. hi there spink nice to hear from you the mollies and bbgs are doing nicely. I had a laugh the other day I was feeding them frozen bloodworm and one of the bbgs tried to eat a whole bloodworm spaghetti style. it took him a long time but he got it down eventually. It filled his whole little mouth like someone trying to swallow a whole apple! I read that about 4g/L would do the trick but I don't think I will go quite that high because it will kill the plants.... hey if you want a new home for your lyretail mollies and guppies I can accomodate some
  20. Attenborough is the man, but you can't expect him to keep climbing into the rainforest canopy forever. Nick can be his successor
  21. he's on Animal Planet too. I liked the one where he was really freaked out by ayeayes.
  22. well done guys - when does she get her first (fish)tank?
  23. yep I think the biosuppliers stuff will beat the flake hands down. Just added 1T of marine salt an hour ago,everyone seemed to like it
  24. I saw them too, aren't they lovely? Never kept them myself either but I know they got the name for being a bit stroppy, species tank only I believe!
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