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Everything posted by darkfur

  1. sounds like possibly Peripatus, which are really cool. They are kind of living fossils. There's an article about them on this page http://soilbugs.massey.ac.nz/onychophora.php but the pics aren't very blue, I've seen really blue ones, depends on what part of the country you are in This is the bluest type: cool huh? Image from http://www.rodmorris.co.nz/insect_gallery1.htm by Rod Morris
  2. do you guys have problems with cannibal fry? I have noticed my babies disappearing and one little guy getting BIG so I guess it's him? :evil: He's gonna be a good fish anyway lol
  3. I like melafix as a preventative when moving fish and I use it when my bettas mate if they are being a bit rough lol I think it probably helps prevent fungus in the eggs too although i have no evidence to prove this I assume you have a big bottle of stresscoat or similar?
  4. darkfur

    name my rooster

    3 of the chooks have the same name because they are identical triplets. They are all called Doris because they are black and live in the plum tree Still taking suggestions, if anyone comes up with a name that I fall in love with they will win a chocolate fish!
  5. Cesar and Mincie thank you so much for the moss my baby fish love hiding in it
  6. you going to keep it? it's neat
  7. darkfur

    name my rooster

    lol clever he's quite quiet for a rooster but that's still pretty noisy. yesterday I was in the garden shed and he poked his head in and crowed at me and the echo nearly blasted my ears off!
  8. darkfur

    name my rooster

    this one's not food, but I have been known to name roosters Cutlet and similar. Helps you keep in mind their eventual purpose. This one is too fancy to eat, he be breeding me some highfalutin chicks with a bit of luck.
  9. darkfur

    name my rooster

    poor guy has been going for months now without a name this is a kind of old picture but you get an idea, he's a splash orpington and a real sweetheart
  10. Some fishies on tm I am keen on but they need a ride! Is anyone able to bring them down for me? ta!
  11. I'm a sucker for a cute little whistly Here's one of mine Ain't he sweet? They live in a converted fish tank but I am hoping for an exoterra for my birthday. They have a mountain minnow friend in the water part. There was a small shoal but she is a vicious little thing and wanted to live alone so she took them out one by one
  12. definitely treat them because of the lifecycle of the whitespot - it comes and goes in flushes
  13. the higher temp is to get whitespot to go through its lifecycle faster. It has a stage where its in a cyst and you can't kill it. So go with the higher temp definitely while you are treating it. Make sure you give the full course of treatment even if they seem better because there could be unhatched whitespot waiting in the wings to reinfect. I use a proprietary whitespot treatment like the other people here, but the tonic salt is an excellent idea too. I'd also make sure that my tank parameters stay in check because any ammonia etc is going to make the fishies more susceptible. Plenty of air from your airstone too. I think you'll win, good luck!
  14. darkfur

    Dark Gravel

    I'm told that darker substrates are nicer for the fish, if you have a light one it reflects up in a way that isn't common in nature and freaks them out
  15. have had a similar problem with mollies here and it took out almost all my adult fish but babies unaffected for some reason. Furan seems to help. It was super aggressive. Mine had less white coating but also some sore pink areas, however my mollies are white which hides the coating, and your oranges the pink wouldn't show up on so well.
  16. 8) nice Tracy looking good would have emailed you but my email is on the blink.... it thinks your email addy and some other peoples are "bad" :evil:
  17. HFF have it http://www.hollywoodfishfarm.co.nz/product_detail.php?id=1571
  18. keep an eye on the ammonia in there, I find that sick fish excrete a lot of it and dead fish make it go off the charts super-quick. Keep it completely bare so its easy to vacuum and feed barely anything, just what they can eat in 2 minutes and vacuum up the rest right away. So sorry to hear about the other fish dying
  19. darkfur

    High PH?

    test your tap water, Upper Hutts can be reeeeeeeeally alkaline especially after a storm
  20. you can use a nitra-zorb sachet to help suck up any excess ammonia in a pinch, I think it will suck up some of your meds though. And biochem-zorb will definitely suck up any meds you want to get rid of. I'd make sure there was plenty of air getting in there too to help break down the nasties and to make sure the fish can breathe. Kinda like putting an oxygen mask on a sick person
  21. I've heard of a similar technique to Whetu's, siliconing a piece of acrylic to the wood. Of course you have to let it cure for 2 weeks after
  22. I heard a rumor some were on a supplier's list last week. Actually it wasn't a rumor I saw the list but not sure who the supplier was. They will retail about $800 each. Sell your car!!!
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