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Everything posted by darkfur

  1. sooooo cute! I guess I will be joining NZKA one of these days....
  2. that's a very nice guppy! I hope you have nice females to breed him with. Try to breed him with females that have a 1/2 black body and preferably a red tail too, although that red is often quite dominant anyway
  3. the bloating of the male sounds like a bit of swelling due to being dropped, but if he's still going he'll most likely be ok I think you are doing well and really care for your fishies which is the first step in being a great fishkeeper. Make sure you don't overfeed them while the tank is cycling, if there's lots of gunk at the bottom of the tank siphon it out as you change water
  4. that's just the tip of the iceberg I've done quite a bit of work for Wellington's CPL and there are sooo many cats and kittens that don't make it because of cruelty. Seen some horrific things with dogs too when I have been ferrying cats and kittens to the vet. Usually the parents don't give a stuff :evil:
  5. there was a classic thread about this recently with some weird suggestions about simulating a tropical storm by chucking lots of cooler fresh water in there or flashing the lights lol. I have read so many weird tricks like that. Unfortunately I have never bred these guys so can't comment on their efficacy but I do find the lengths people go to interesting. Maybe some Barry White?
  6. how about the stuff listed on that place called red pine?
  7. I had one with a growth on his lip that survived 2 years that way. He was like that when I was given him, old tumor tetra. He looked like an elephant but he kept on trucking on
  8. uhhh will that happen to me too?
  9. darkfur

    Fortune Cookies

    A closed mouth gathers no foot... A rolling stone gathers momentum... Gravity doesn't exist: the earth sucks... Clean mind, clean body: take your pick... He who laughs last is probably your boss all from: http://www.anvari.org/fortune/Fortune_Cookies/ I am still looking for the simpsons ones, I have found one of them: You will be aroused by a shampoo commercial Also You are about to get a papercut and food poisoning Why did you break my house in half? YOu will be charged a surprising amount for a sub-par meal
  10. can't be that, we are the top sellers of the nip on that place.... she has approved of my purchases recently, a big fan of my new pair of canaries
  11. darkfur

    Fortune Cookies

    Jerry Seinfeld said the one about the eulogy, not sure if he came up with it though
  12. I don't know, I haven't heard the GBAs sneezing recently. Would I hear anything or just see bubbles coming out of their gills?
  13. Sophie already had most of my life firmly organised now I find her with my purse: possibly planning to spend it on fish?
  14. darkfur

    Fortune Cookies

    there is a great Simpsons episode where Homer becomes a fortune cookie writer. I can't remember any of his unfortunately. I do remember the gist of them though, they were stuff that was quite perceptive like: "you will be disappointed by the quality of prime time television tonight"
  15. *sneeze* I have something but i don't think its swine flu Fish cold?
  16. it will be much cheaper if you raise them from tadpoles yourself. You need to get a couple of spares because there are always a few that just don't make it but still tadpoles usually go for a couple of dollars each so you do the maths. A few places in the hutt valley seem to have taddies at the moment, I think they are all greens or green and golds. The big problem with frogs is getting enough live food for them. Make sure you can handle culturing flies or mealworms or something. If you keep whistlers like I do then wingless fruitflies are excellent and you probably need one culture per adult frog because they eat a lot for little frogs! Once you have the cultures you can make more cultures and keep them going with pieces of banana. I don't know how much the bigger frogs eat but they can tackle a wider range of foods which probably helps, I suppose you can hunt slaters and things in the back yard. The frog mantra seems to be if it fits in the mouth and moves it is food. They aren't keen on ants though.
  17. when is the May meeting please?
  18. some just arrived at Hutt Pets (like JUST arrived, 1 hour ago). If anyone breeds reds there is the cutest solid red split, her tail is like a little love heart awwwww. Be in quick though I hear many are spoken for
  19. use the healing tool (looks like a bandaid). ALT+click on an area that looks similar to the area you want to fix. Release, then go to the damaged area and click and paint over the mark. Voila! you can also use the clone stamp or patch tool in a similar way, you may wish to save the original and experiment. The clone stamp will just paint in whatever you ALT-clicked on (the source) and I can't remember exactly what patch does. Healing will somewhat preserve the original texture and tone of the area around the damage. you can pm me if you need more photoshop help, all that time at design school gotta be good for something!
  20. I seem to recall that koi carp are the most suited for backyard aquaculture, which aint gonna happen in this country. Tilapia are commonly used overseas too but you'd need a stonking great tank. Oh and one of my books says that overseas people eat moonlight gouramis... which is a shame
  21. pretty sure the shop in Petone has them too
  22. I had a pet paua once.... he was a great glass cleaner but didn't grow all that much. The old seahorse place in Napier used to do crayfish and paddle crabs among other things. I imagine crabs would be quite easy since they eat nearly anything
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