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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Haha, Yup, definitely. <------ Even though a silvia isn't a sports car either. :slfg:
  2. Replacement fin from redspot the pirate pleco?
  3. Thought it was interesting, so I'd post it. It's not from my fish tank, that's just where the brightest lights in the house were to take the pic. First person to get it right gets a dead fish emoticon.
  4. The former. You'll need to completely tear down the whole tank. If one part has degraded enough for it to start leaking most likely the rest of the silicone isn't in much better shape.
  5. Push the lever to the right? That blue tab at the bottom(On the lever that locks it down into the filter) doesn't seem to actually serve any purpose as far as I can tell, other than bending a little bit and jamming the whole mechanism up. I think it's really only there to keep you from opening the valve without attaching the fitting to the filter. In your case it looks like you can push it to the right also and you should be able to close the valve. Or just break it off.
  6. Sealing the outside will not work, you need to seal the inside. And that's not really garaunteed, best to reseal the whole thing since likely the whole thing is deteriorating.
  7. Moderatish lighting. Tends not to like high light. Keep doing what you're doing.
  8. Also whole setups that aren't all in ones probably go for a similar price semi frequently.
  9. Hard to say, their shape doesn't look quite like the jewels I've seen, a lot fatter. They do get very bright when breeding and there are some bits of those photos that look like they're using red lights which is common along with some tweaking of the colors in photoshop... I'd say very close to the strain we have here anyway.
  10. Very easy. Buy timer. Set time, plug in. Never touch it again.
  11. Ira

    damn hydra

    Copper kills them.
  12. In Communist Russia apple eats YOU.
  13. I think you have, generally for electromagnetic radiation you'll need gaps larger than wavelength otherwise it will be blocked. The wavelength of UV light is 0.0004 millimeters and smaller. And I'm not sure that's relevant with visible or near visible light and definitely not relevant in this case. I think you're misreading/misremembering a rule of thumb in regards to more simply minimising a tighter mesh blocking more light due to the mesh's density.
  14. It's ok, I just reply using Henward's email as my return address...
  15. Ira

    DIY Alge scrubber.

    I think he's meaning this: Not this: Bristlenoses and ottos do the exact opposite of growing algae to filter out organics from the water.
  16. There, I fixed that for you.
  17. I think the del sol has two seperate ones. I think this is the right year...
  18. Couple CF1200s or a single FX-5 would be my advice.
  19. Actually, yeah, the next day the bowl was nice and clean and full of water.
  20. I do 50% weekly*. *Ok, I mean to do it weekly and feel bad when I can't be bothered for 2-3 weeks sometimes.
  21. I once created a gmail for the Goldfish Protection League and sent an email to someone at my work that had a goldfish bowl that was half evaporated. I sent her an email that we've been advised that she has not been properly taking care of her goldfish and she has 48 hours to improve conditions or the goldfish will be confiscated. I can't get into that account now though. Can't remember the password.
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