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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I usually put zuchinni in the microwave for 6-7 minutes. Boils it long enough for it to sink that's all you need.
  2. Ira

    Apisto ID Please!

    First of all, it's an APISTOgramma....
  3. It's conspiracy of the anti-piscines in concert with the pro-carassius Auratus sect!
  4. Yup, pagan celebration stolen by Christians in an attempt to help in their attempts to take over the world. So, basically since the beginning it's been all about marketing.
  5. I wonder if there's a good way to test it beyond "It's holding water"? Splash the water around as much as possible to try and increase the loading on the glass and seams? Throw a cat in maybe?
  6. Is that what it's called when you chop them up really small?
  7. Starlings flock. Blackbirds though...I've started counting them as I drive down the road the last few days. Just ones on, or next to the road I usually count 30-50 along a 5k section and maybe 3-4 of any other species. So, let's see....That's an average of 40 per .05 square kilometers or 800 per square kilometer. Meaning 214,416,800 throughout NZ. All 215 million intent on eating any berries or fruit I grow. That counts as swarming! :an!gry
  8. Ira

    Metal Halides

    Probably somewhere in the 6000k range. Looks like those ones are the cheapy included lamps with a bunch of misc cheap units.
  9. Ugh, I hate blackbirds. Swarms of them everywhere, eat all the fruit and berries in my garden. Tried shooting them but haven't had any luck.
  10. Ira

    Metal Halides

    It's not printed on the bulb somewhere?
  11. No, that will just make the hot water sink to the bottom of the tank.
  12. If you cut the plug off the heater, swap the two wires and reconnect them then the heater will work in reverse and suck heat out of the tank until it reaches the set point.
  13. Only if there's a massive failure of the sewage system. My house especially would take a serious failure because it's a septic tank.
  14. Ira

    pH meters

    Get something like... Measure and control PH, temp, lighting, pumps all in one.
  15. That depends, is your GF hot? Please post pics. Unless she's not, then you can keep the pics to yourself. :cr12:
  16. Ira


    It won't, not to any significant amount. And to an even more insignificant amount due to the tank not cycling anyway without fish or some other source of ammonia. I guess the rotting snails would produce ammonia, so it would probably assist in cycling...
  17. Ira


    Wouldn't matter unless you don't do a few water changes to remove it or want to use the tank as a reef.
  18. Well no, because trolls and spammers would get punched in the face and thrown out. Or have a meeting with our friend Stabby McStabstab.
  19. You have to be careful with brewers yeast and I'd assume the milk powder not to overfeed. Barely enough to just faintly cloud the water. Better to underfeed.
  20. Doesn't matter, I mean NOW, not ages ago. If it's jammed and still trying to spin the impeller it will get hot from the lack of water to cool it.
  21. Is the pump getting hot? Have you taken it apart to see if anything's jammed in the impeller? Has it been unplugged? You've gotta do a little basic troubleshooting on your own.
  22. Ira

    my 200 lt

    And whatever your mom is. :-? :lol:
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