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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I seriously doubt whatever it was killed adult fish. If it was a dragonfly larvae definitely not. If it was a leach, definitely not unless in huge numbers which I expect you'd have noticed. If it was a slug definitely not, because it would have drowned. If it was a hydra definitely not because they can't kill much more than fry.
  2. Larvae of the last surviving lifeform of Ceti Alpha V. Their young enter through the ear and wrap themselves around the cerebral cortex. This has the effect of rendering the victim completely susceptible to suggestion.
  3. I don't think it will stick strongly, but I think it might work for handles. But...Why not use silicone? We know that sticks.
  4. Why not stainless? It'll last much longer.
  5. All swans are like that. Actually geese too which are a close relative of them. And ducks to a lesser degree only because they're smaller.
  6. Have you ever run into a knowledgable, responsible aquarium keeper down at the water doing either of those two?
  7. If your goal is to minimize the number of animals they kill? Perhaps marginally because more would slip out of their grasp. But to be really effective you'd also have to trim their teeth. Most of the time declawing is done more to protect furniture from them sharpening their claws. In which case trimming is again not particularly effective because many cats react to having their claws trimmed with a flurry of claw sharpening,frequently on furniture.
  8. Can't really say for sure from the video other than to confirm that they are, in fact, fish. Look about the right size color anyway.
  9. Generally bad practice to return anything to the wild regardless of if you think it hasn't been exposed to anything new.
  10. Uhh.... yeah sorry about that. I don't think I've hit that light green more than once or twice EVER, it's become a reflex to stop at it.
  11. Ira

    What's this?

    http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/photograph/4736/red-coral Fine for collecting is, I think, up to $100,000 and up to 1 year in jail.
  12. Why? You interested in learning about knittin' kitten mittens?
  13. Current information says you'd need a tank of approximately 1,300,000,000,000,000,000,000 liters. Noone knows any way to raise the eggs other than in the ocean.
  14. WOw, maybe if they all looked like yours, disgustipated, they'd have a better reputation. But all I've ever seen are hordes of pretty blah looking likely over inbred ones.
  15. Last time I almost crashed into a parked car was because I was busy trying to tell if the Ahhh...Female...Was old enough for me to be allowed to look.
  16. Put some mesh smaller than the fish over the inlet. Then at least if they get through they'll have been chopped up into bite sized pieces.
  17. You sure it's CO2? Have you ever inhaled CO2? It burns and you immediately feel like you're suffocating. It's the high CO2 level in your blood, not the low oxygen level that triggers the feeling of suffocation.
  18. None of my current cichlids bother my plants. Other than the standard Geophagus...
  19. How about a pond? 16.5° water temp, 24° air temp, though my other thermometer says 28° air temp.
  20. Yes, submersed is completely under water, emersed is only partly. You have that right, but then your question has it wrong.
  21. Can you buy a plant that has been grown emersed and then plant it emersed? Yes, yes you can. Buying a plant that's grown submersed and then planting it emersed is a little more difficult but as long as they're kept damp and a type of plant that can do it, it should manage to convert itself to an emersed form.
  22. That's why it's a responsible owner's job to keep their animals , cat, dog, horses, cows, sheep, etc under control.
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