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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Should work fine. Might get eventually as the wood gets wet and softens over time that it will come loose due to the top layer of wood coming loose. But that's going to be the case for anything short of screws.
  2. How fast is your connection you're using and what's the price difference? I'm not convinced there's much point in anything much faster than about 5-6megabit other than bragging rights unless you're downloading heaps not just a handful of TV eps per day. For your average web browsing that's heaps fast enough.
  3. They should last quite a while. If you keep them cool which adds cost and complexity, the higher the output the harder.
  4. Wow, that's huge. I wouldn't have thought they'd be that big when born.
  5. Since you don't need CO2 for a healthy planted tank I'd say better to have none than spend the money on a setup that's not doing the job.
  6. A magical fluid made of rainbows and fairy dust. Most easily produced by finding two unicorns who are following each other closely and making the first one stop abruptly.
  7. I would hope the Eheim is better for an extra $500. They're about $630 vs $140 for the CF1200.
  8. I'd go with a single CF1200, had much better luck with them than fluvals. Only sound really is a little hum which I can't hear unless my head's in the cabinet next to the filter.
  9. Yup, same as everyone else has said. I wouldn't expect any significant differences. I'd be surprised if you saw any difference at all, maybe if you ran some speedtests you might see something. But the major factors in connection speed are outside the modem.
  10. Ira

    superglue query

    Probably hardly stuck because superglue sets on contact with water. Try and put it onto something that's wet and it sets the instant it touches the water on the surface before it even touches what you're trying to glue together underneath.
  11. Ira

    superglue query

    It's not toxic. Minor contact irritant at worst and is commonly used for sealing wounds and, in a slightly less irritating formulation in surgeries. Holds just fine when wet. Water makes it set quicker, once it's set it is not effected by water. Are cheap FW fish worth more and more delicate than $100+ each marine fish and corals? Superglue is used all the time in attaching corals to rocks in marine tanks.
  12. Ira

    superglue query

    Superglue gels work better as a filler because they're thicker and are usually more flexible.
  13. "Why you wanting to enslave my people?"
  14. Cows eat grain, therefore you have everything there that you need for a cheeseburger.
  15. Ira


    Be interesting to put something on it to measure it. Current draw varies depending on load and I doubt there's a standard for rating their current draw. Is it at 0 head maximum flow? 1 meter head? Maximum current draw? Somewhere in between? Ratings of different manufacturers may use different standards making comparisons pretty useless.
  16. Yeah, because that's what they do. They keep growing until they're made sick, stunted and then killed by the too small tank and poor water conditions. This "It will know when to stop" is basically a lie told by fish stores to sell fish to people who don't want to spend the money to properly house their fish.
  17. I'd make a wild approximation that 25-35 3W LEDs would probably do for low to moderate light plants in a tank that deep.
  18. I expect because that thing was 220-240 volt, just like he said.
  19. Doubt it. Go the warehouse and buy a plug adapter. They're like $3 for 12.
  20. Plastic mesh should work. Something like gutter guard might even be the right size and shape even. I'm not sure how exactly you'd fix it in place. Heavy use of silicone probably would be the first thing to try.
  21. Were your plants pearling like crazy with the T5s? If not then it would seem they are brighter. Color temp makes a huge difference in apparent brightness, along with light positioning. Further towards the back will appear dimmer than towards the front.
  22. Last batch I got was from the lanscaping supply place on Whakatiki Street.
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