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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Remove the piping and plug the hole if it bothers you. You could just silicone a glass patch over the hole and then put the piping back if you want it later.
  2. That's called a VFR trip. Visiting Friends and Relatives. Unless you're a pilot or airplane groupie then it's Visual Flight Rules.
  3. I don't think 83 times would be too much if you can distribute it well. The problem is that you probably can't, not easily anyway. You'll end up with a single strong jet where you want a lot of diffuse flow everywhere.
  4. Click quote on the post you want to quote and it will quote the post you clicked quote on in your post.
  5. I think it's probably more accurate to say they're almost always wrong. Though, some jagers you can calibrate, they've got a little stub once the the tank is at temp so you can adjust the guage on the side without changing the setting.
  6. We don't have a big house. But every time I'd get a fishtank or some gear second hand I'd end up with more of those stupid filter plates.
  7. No, they're fine. Just don't let the muck and rotting leaves pile up so deeply in the pond that there isn't any room for the fish and you'll be ok.
  8. Neither have I. But I still have those stupid plates in piles of junk everywhere.
  9. Everyone has some old undergravel filter plates laying around, don't they? Stack the rocks on them.
  10. Ira

    Anyone in sydney????

    IIRC they've been in the mid 10s range for as long as I can remember here in NZ. Still not very expensive and the price of the fish is nothing in the cost of keeping it.
  11. Ira


    There are some big 40 watt energy saver bulbs around, I bought one and it seems to be working pretty well. Wait, didn't realize you had such a small tank. The smaller ones will be heaps.
  12. You've clearly never met the internet before. :lar:
  13. Looks like he needs a dentist.
  14. Yup, BN and plecos won't eat the fry. Be a bit small for a pleco, but the BN will be fine.
  15. I didn't read it as offensive and I don't care if he's drunk.
  16. I disagree, I'm pretty sure that's drunk is the only way it's possible to converse on some forums*Cough*Trademe*Cough*
  17. *#$(! (@#$! (@#(*! African cichlid! (@#$)! )($@)(! )(@#$)! Goldfish! (#@$!
  18. Ira

    heater malfunction?

    Just a matter of time until it sticks on again. Every time it switches on there's a miniature arc welder trying to weld the contacts together and that has proven it's sticking already.
  19. Ira

    heater malfunction?

    Just yank it out and get a new one tomorrow. In a nice warm temperature controlled(I assume) workplace they'll be fine for a day or two, it won't get that cold.
  20. Use an audio editor to combine them into a single long mp3? And are you sure it isn't whatever you're using to play it adding a small pause as it loads the next MP3?
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