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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Do you really want to teach your fish soccer? Egypt soccer riot kills 74 I suppose piranha might be pretty good at it.
  2. Don't worry, he'll probably manage to detach himself from the frag eventually...
  3. Throw them in the trash and never buy an airpump again. They're unnecessary and annoyingly loud in the best of circumstances. Just have your filter spraybar disturbing the surface and you'll have much more, and much quieter airation.
  4. You mean Tryingtoripeachothersfaceoff Gourami? Should be ok in that size. See if you can find the nicer looking grey type ones, sooo much nicer looking.
  5. The problem would be actually getting an accurate enough throw to hit the bulbul with enough force.
  6. Yeah, it would be acting as bracing, a bit. Cutting a hole in it to drop the filter through definitely would be fine. Or take half the shelf off(Shelves are useful) and run a couple diagonal supports from the legs to the top.
  7. If you're a JAFA then eradicating them from Auckland is NZ wide.
  8. Or somewhere outside of Auckland. Doesn't have to be a captive population.
  9. But it's perfectly legal for you to introduce a predatory species into the environment and allow it to eat them, just as long as you don't touch the reptile while your cat eats it.
  10. Haha, Downloading it now...I mean, purchasing it from a licensed retailer legally.
  11. Plecs everywhere! I love it!
  12. Ira

    water treatment

    Don't know about there, but here it's about $150-200 for about 6000 liters. If you actually want to top it off that would probably be 2-3 tanker loads. Or you know...Wait 2-3 days until the next monsoon.
  13. And he otto be able to sell them for a pretty good price too.
  14. Ira

    1200L tank

    Nope, unless you use some really solid pipes, like copper or steel or something then the plumbing breaking the tank will be the last thing you need to worry about.
  15. I know noone spelled it wrong, but it was just too good a pic to pass up...
  16. Ira

    water treatment

    Yeah, I feel sorry for all you people that aren't on rainwater tanks. All the stressing over not doing too big of water changes, dechlorinator, can't wash filter media under the tap. Screw that, 50-75% water changes whenever I can be bothered straight from the kitchen tap, clean filters in the sink...
  17. Ira

    water treatment

    You mean...Chlorine? Also it's pretty unlikely the water has been treated with anything.
  18. Last stand I had made was along with a tank by Port Nicholson glass. I don't think he makes them himself, though. But it was a nice steel frame with tongue and groove looking paneling Wasn't very expensive. That was years ago though.
  19. At standard air pressure a slurry of ice and water will be exactly 0° It's actually the definition of 0°C.
  20. Surely one would have sufficed...Or do you have some deep rooted hostility against click bugs that required extra needles?
  21. I love skinks. Such cute little lizards. I found a little Copper skink clearing mulch off my sleepout roof last weekend.
  22. Standard contractor rates. $50/hour, 3 hour minimum... :slfg:
  23. Peripatus? Like these guys? I've found a pretty good number of them around here moving around bricks and branches and things. Wouldn't think they're particularly rare.
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