There are a lot of ways you could make a chiller that will work, but not necessarily very effectively. You don't NEED titanium coils unless they're actually going to be in contact with the saltwater, then they corrode. You could use plastic tubing, but that loses a bit of efficiency. Probably the simplest way is a fan on the sump or main tank and replacing the evaporation constantly. But that's only good for a relatively small temperature difference. There's the option of buried hoses deep in your yard, that may get the difference you need, but after everything would probably be as much as a commercial chiller. There's the fridge with hoses coiled up inside it, again, doesn't really have the capacity for a coldwater tank over the summer. Maybe if it was a really big fridge...
I'm probably one of the cheapest people around here but I'd say if you're going for a coldwater marine instead of looking to keep a tropical from getting too hot, just buy a chiller. It'll work far better and probably be more reliable.