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Everything posted by Ira

  1. So, sounds like you have a snail infestation and planaria worms. Both can be a symptom of overfeeding. So, are you really feeding only a tiny pinch, or is it a really big pinch? Anyone else feeding them?
  2. Pics? Did you put an actual premade reflector in? I was thinking something like just a little sheet of metal as a shield wouldn't add much height, less than an inch.
  3. That many, I think just jumping around in the water while thrashing a big fish net around would probably catch more than you need.
  4. Won't lower the heat given off by the lamp, that's basically impossible. But it will block or reflect it.
  5. Can you put a thin sheet of metal between the lamp and the enclosure with a bit of space for airflow? That will help significantly. If it's still not enough a layer of something like exhaust wrap should help.
  6. Ok, edited again because the egg cluster pic wasn't working, maybe the new pic will. I've seen egg clusters like that before, didn't know they were midge eggs. So, I actually learned something while making a smartass comment. :slfg:
  7. Where it came from? Well, when a boy midge and a girl midge... really love each other they give each other a special hug and then lay eggs in water... Which then hatch into bloodworms... And then you feed their babies to your fish. (Hopefully those pics worked)
  8. Yup, though it doesn't need to be an even layer depending on your landscaping. Yup. I suppose you could add it to an already filled tank, that's what I did. Swept all the substrate out of an area at the back of the tank, then dumped small plastic containers of it in the back to minimize the mess...Still made a huge mess, but manageable. Nope.
  9. Only thing I've had appear in any containers of water is mosquito and occasionally dragonfly larvae.
  10. Ira

    FX5 stopped working

    Have you tried cleaning the impeller housing? What do you mean it's not running? Pump running but not pumping any water, impeller not spinning at all?
  11. There are a handful of closely related species sold as redspots, I think. Or different subspecies, hard to say for sure. But looks like yours is different than my redspot, but does appear to share similar patterning though much blurrier that could be the pic/fish's mood. Very nice dorsal fin on it.
  12. Personally unless there's a good need for a had most hats just look dumb, especially black ones, they just make you look like a hipster or a douche.
  13. Yup, like Rabbit says. Here, my two for comparison:
  14. So, it's even more important to be doing water changes.
  15. Or just do a water change and then fill it back up every time it gets a bit low.
  16. You're all a bunch of pervs. :sage:
  17. I see Rosellas here semi regularly, don't know if they count since they're introduced.
  18. That looks more like tui in flax. Or on flax.
  19. Rules: Must have taken the pic yourself, and must have been relatively recent. The rules are made up and the points don't matter.
  20. I'd use a sieve or colander to filter out all the really fine stuff into a bucket, dump the worms, beetles, uneaten oatmeal back into the original container and top up with more oatmeal/whatever food. Keep the fine stuff a few weeks somewhere safe because it will be full of eggs, when they've hatched sieve them out and toss them in the main container.
  21. Hah, I was thinking, "To helping catch fish eggs hatch? What?"
  22. Ira

    Fixing a slow leak

    There are temporary fixes, like if you're lucky just squishing silicone along the seam on the inside might seal it. But like Alan says, the silicone has failed. If you're lucky you might seal it up and never have a problem, but more likely is in a few weeks or months the leak reappears even larger, or a seam opens and you have a lovely, shortlived waterfall.
  23. Hah, according to the company site and marine depot's site it looks like, at least for marines, the biggest one will only be enough to keep low light corals at a distance of about 6" or less
  24. I'm not sure what there is to be confused about, sounds like a normal cycling tank. How long has it been since you added the fish? If it's been less than a month or so the tank probably won't be cycled yet.
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