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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I see a bunch of medium sized spiders. Get touched by a single medium sized spider. Or See a large single spider. This guy I think qualifies for dropping everything and quitting for the day. (After taking pics) I probably could have gotten better pics but I was afraid to get any closer.
  2. Sinky food, and yes. Any of the sinking pellets you can find at the LFS should be fine. I usually prefer to go with a variety of food rather than stress over exactly which one. And if you don't feed them at the same time your cichlids will get all the food before it hits the bottom.
  3. You don't need to go too big, even something in the 300mm range will carry a gopro without much trouble, you can build one including GPS for $100-150 US, not including the gopro, radio gear or lipos.
  4. Not far, 100 meters is probably being generous.
  5. :slfg: Here's a clip that may be a little more relevant for the fishroom... And yes, and 58 seconds I did hit the tank. :oops:
  6. It's only a cheap micro quad FPV, not bad for the price. Too bad we can't imbed youtube videos.
  7. I'd be inclined to doubt temperature is an issue, it's been much cooler the last week or so. I'd think if getting too hot was the cause I'd have expected them to have died a month or two ago.
  8. Ah yes, didn't think about the ducks and geese. Shotgun should sort that issue out.
  9. Nothing from your description makes it sound unhealthy. Sounds like it probably has a lot of sediment floating around, but I'm not sure what might be a practical way of clearing that up. If you were able to locate where the water is coming in and maybe do something to keep that from disturbing the bottom of the pond some so it settles.... Otherwise, I'd just go and buy something like a few dozen water lillies and plant them through the pond.
  10. Nothing there suspicious that I can see, fish usually change color when they die, darker or light. Don't know what the white patches might be but I don't know that they're suspicious. So, heart attack, stroke, embolism, drowning...Who knows? Could try and do a necropsy.
  11. What units is that SG in? I'm surprised it would drop after a water change given that I always found the SG of local nsw to be too high, had to dilute it a bit. It was usually around 1.029 and needed diluted to about 1.025. Edit: I should read ALL the posts before replying.... :sml2:
  12. 10 in a tank that size will be fine. Bristlenoses are tiny, don't eat much or produce much poop. I have twice that number in a tank half the size, never see poop floating around anywhere.
  13. Is that what you were told when you got the ones that started your infestation? :slfg:
  14. I think(Hope?Haha) that's an extreme case though. I do keep wanting to buy a good quality scientific type thermometer that I could use to calibrate anything else, but haven't gotten around to it.
  15. In the wild, probably, but in a tank, no. Like smidey says they do tend to go in cycles, but this is likely more related to tank conditions drifting(Which may be indirectly due to hotter or colder summer weather) or to the fish condition worsening while breeding and needing time to recover.
  16. Same way you set most thermometers since you can't trust their labeled temps are accurate. What I usually do is throw it in the tank, let it equalize with the tank water for 10-15 minutes. Then plug it in, adjust the knob to find where it's turning on and off. If the tank is a bit too cold set it a bit warmer than that. Then monitor the tank over the next day or two and tweak as needed.
  17. I'm confused if you guys are talking about the nuchal hump (which is normal), the black rear half, or are being sarcastic about something.
  18. Why can't you? The glass on most doesn't get particularly hot, the water absorbs the heat very quickly. If you wrap your hand around it and insulate it from the water they'll start to get hot, but how long does it take you to push on it? Or you could even just push the suction cups themselves.
  19. Ira

    Java Moss

    You mean you have some java moss that isn't clogging up all your filter intakes and powerheads where you can easily remove it?
  20. Ira

    DIY pleco food

    Just pulled two more. All from the same plant.
  21. That sounds about right to me.
  22. Why a shipping container? You'll have to spend a lot of time and effort reinforcing it and water proofing it, they're far from waterproof. And you'll want to seal the entire inside to keep it from poisoning the water. For the same price you could get a rainwater tank that is waterproof(Obviously), will not corrode, will not need reinforcement beyond whatever you do for the viewing panels, will not poison the water. Even has ready made ports for draining and refilling for water changes.
  23. My advice would be to not go from one tiny tank to another tiny tank. Get a medium sized one, at least a 4X2X2. There are heaps for sale around Auckland. Not much point bothering with a tank any smaller than that. :slfg:
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