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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I wouldn't have suggested another water change, they would already have had a shock to begin with when you moved them from the bags to the quarantine tank. Another one would be at best redundant, at worst additional stress.
  2. What? Probably not much to be done but make sure the tank is well aerated and maybe cover it to make it nice and dark to minimize stress for a day or so. A dose of stresscoat if you have some would help.
  3. There is quite a significant amount of air in wood. It's very porous, pretty much a sponge of lignin with air between the fibers. Waterlogging it replaces the air with water increasing the density enough for it to sink. What do you think waterlogging does? Yep, I'm not sure what baking soda is supposed to do. Could work to decrease the water's surface tension a little making it more easily penetrate into the wood, but I don't know that it would be significant. I've always thought the ideal way to waterlog wood would be with a vaccuum chamber. Pump as much air out as you can, maintain a vacuum for a while. This might take a while as all the air makes its way out of the wood, then open up another valve and dump water in. As the pressure increases it should force the water into every pore of the wood. Never tried it though because I don't have a vacuum pump.
  4. Let's see...Your CCFL would be producing somewhere in the region of 20 lumens. Your main lighting in the region of 4200 lumens when the tubes are brand new. So, if you want to compensate for the extra light added by having that CCFL on for 6 hours per day you can turn your main lighting off 51.1 seconds earlier. This does not take into account that your main lighting probably loses more than 20 lumens per day. Or lighting frequencies. I think it's safe to say the increase in algae from having an extremely weak light in the tank for a few hours is going to be less than negligable.
  5. I think I found that one's girlfriend today. I murdered her also.
  6. Just collect them and sell them on trademe as guppies you caught in a stream. Everyone does it! (MAF if you're reading this I'm not serious.)
  7. Ira

    import fish

    Ran into this on another MB and it seemed relevant...
  8. A ph of 7.5 is fine anyway. stability is more important.
  9. You can play DVDs and blue rays with a blue ray play. You can only play DVDs with a DVD player.
  10. People like to tell themselves they're at the top of the food chain....
  11. It's not a cold water or a tropical tank. It's a Luke warm tank.
  12. One? Feed them all to your fish.
  13. Yummy mosquito larvae, nomnomnom.
  14. You'll probably want to move them into the 120L in the next 2-3 months. Then probably into something in the 400+L(4-6 foot) range in a year or so.
  15. Not really, looks more like blue green or reddish slimy blobs or sheets.
  16. Why not? Some places it's the only place you can buy beer. And then there are drive through liquor stores...
  17. I think the yellow stuff is wood. And cyano is a bacteria, not an algae.
  18. If I remember right there was an act in 1976? that effectively banned the import of all birds, reptiles and amphibians so I'd assume they most likely were here before then. After some googling I can't find the act I'm thinking of. So I may be insane. :thup:
  19. Yeah, I agree with the Severums, Just one or two though, your tank is a bit small for more. I like them better than discus.
  20. Probably just guppies. Though, it used to be pretty common for people to sell on trademe, "Guppies, collected from the stream behind my house." Gambusia, of course. I suppose you could have also seen leopardfish. Though, they're uncommon.
  21. Ira

    water stain removal

    Shouldn't, the idea is that it's just a cheap and safe mild acid so that it will dissolve any calcium or other minerals a bit better. So just use whatever is cheapest.
  22. That was a good one, and a nice length too. Though I had a hard time understanding some of the dialogue due to accents, I could still figure most of it out.
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