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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    Fish dying

    Sounds like overstocking. May be 3000 liters, but 100 large goldfish is 30L each with practically no water changes.
  2. AB+ is. AB- will have a reaction to any RH+ blood.
  3. It's been skinned and being left on the table to perform for people... :lol: I want one. Actually, I think I have most of the gear to make one like that, except an appropriate small battery.
  4. I don't have a clue what my blood type is. I'd probably do it if there was somewhere convenient to give blood, but I'm definitely not going to drive 20 minutes, spend 10 looking for a place to park, spend $8 on parking just so someone can jab a needle in my arm...
  5. Half the world population gets mad cow disease for a week every month.
  6. Unless you really want to deal with the huge pain in the butt of raising the fry, just leave them and let the eggs get eaten.
  7. I think all of mine have some condensation in them. And they always have. As long as it's not pooling in the bottom, I wouldn't worry.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muLIPWjks_M hehehe.
  9. I'd go with something like a pair of Aquaone CF1200s. I've heard there are CF2200s around too, two of those would be even better, but I've never seen one.
  10. Take all the credit? What does that mean? Oh, you mean take all the blame!
  11. If you pack them tight enough, of course you can, helps if you use a mallet.
  12. Other than aesthetic? No, not really much point. Not much more swimming room, most fish don't use all of the altitude available to them anyway.
  13. Also known as a Geophagus Jurupari.
  14. When I was regularly testing for nitrates I found the longer I went without vacuuming my sand the lower the nitrates went. Then after a good vacuum they'd shoot way up. Whether it was the anaerobic deep sand bed eating the nitrates and that being destroyed by the vacuuming or nitrates produced in the sand being released...I don't know.
  15. That'd be on the small side for just one full grown apple snail, I'd think.
  16. You've discovered the rare Teleporting Eel. It just pops in and out of the tank when it feels like it.
  17. You only need a brush a meter long to clean a 2 meter bit of hose.
  18. My tank water has always tested dead on 7.0 when I've tested it.
  19. With a pipe brush. Or whatever else you have convenient that you can shove into the hose. Even a straightened out coat hanger shoved down the hose then a spray out with the kitchen tap should work fine.
  20. Mine do. But, I don't let them roam around uncontrolled outside.
  21. This thread is sinking to new lows. It has given me drain bamage.
  22. They look more like muskox than cows.
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