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Everything posted by Silvia-15

  1. it depends on where you look, i realised that te aqua one range dont cost tat much (after i got my cf500 ten i realised that the cf1000 was only like 30 bux more). so far no problems. i have cf500 running carbon only
  2. lol, surfing the fish forums in uni.... heres me this morning before my 8am class me and my gf here, nice to see you all
  3. Silvia-15

    Oscar food

    freeze dried anything.. mine also loved turtle treats. it also liked glass shrimps and guppies and gold barbs and mollies... come to think of it, it ate everything...
  4. not my gf i hope... feel free to purchase that one, i dont think ull have a problem through customs tho... however i would like to say that, its VERY high maintainence. VERY VERY costly, and EVEN more dangerous. one wrong move could prove fatal....
  5. david, in that huge tank (in fish shop, not aquarium) are arapimas, gars, tomans(giant snakeheads), rtcs, tiger shovlenoses and a couple hybrids and some massive as carfish i couldnt recognise... damn, i wish i had a pond like that
  6. aba aba is some weird ancient fish, google it... its sorta like a knife fish, but fat and round... and the big fish next to me is a arapima, u can buy 2 inch babies from the fish store for 100 bux...
  7. just some pics i took while i went first, the arowanas... mind you, thats about 500 bux then we have... aba aba ... RTC !!! Pbass arapimas polys freshwater ray pike nd finally... not too sure which one is the bigger beast here, the grouper or my gf... (dont worry, she never looks at fish sites)
  8. saw it on mfk already... stunning... with some hesitation, it may be something id trade my left nut for
  9. my first fish was a rtg.. MUAHAHAHA i love asia!!
  10. omg damn damn, i have 1 1000lt tank sitting in my garden, nt up and running for a month NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  11. i might be able to come... and join... :oops: :D
  12. aro, bichir, big ciclids... (and what i saw today at malay fish shop- aaa grade golds, aba aba, endis, pikes, rtc, shovelnose cats, gars etc etc... omg ive lost faith in nz fish varieties) such a big tank? hmmmm, SUMP SUMP SUMP
  13. dunno about down there, but in auckland i just take a large net and drag in across the weeds in the river, one good scoop could land 50 (i have a large net). i kept them in a unheated tank and my fish get some every now and then as a treat...
  14. i use the same sand with my ornates, light sand spooks fish, dark sand dulls fish colour, makes great contrast.
  15. well said mr livingart, if he doesnt buy it somebody else would, what difference would it make? you cant simply dispose of a fish because of moral issues. might as well put it in a good environment.
  16. http://www.aquahobby.com/tanks/e_tank0701.php this is a good one, probably suits your style
  17. thats only a theory, some people think they follow the stars, follow the currents, or follow the earths magnetic field no one really knows DUN DUN DUN 8) but anyways, my ornates definately smell...
  18. your mother makes it rain... all my mother does is throw my 2m tank outside... id go with a couple of dats, some ornates, a clown, silver/gold aro, and a fs eel that way, you can have a sorta "fossil" tank, although not so much the dat and the eel, but who cares? your aros gonna be the main attraction i know people say dont keep this with this or that, but at the end of the day, it still comes down to the fish... trial and error, sometimes an expensive error 8) 8)
  19. yeah they had 2 at HFF mt roskill the other day, i got one, went back for the other one the next day, and it was gone.... yes yes very greedy
  20. id actually go with a aqua one canister. i know its cheap looking, cheap feeling, but its ultimately... CHEAP... its not as bad as some people make it out to be, but its worked fine for me, i hav a cf 500 and a cf700 on my 90cm tank, not too bad. but yeah, if your more of a branded person, i would go for a eheim or a fluval canister (GO FOR A SUMP AND KEEP SOME MONSTER FISH)
  21. its not open on wed and sat
  22. id certainly hope its some1 on here, itll be nice to keep an eye on its progress... i would prob have bought it if i didnt have to go to malaysia.... opportunity cost man....
  23. HFF albany PWNS HFF mt roskill, gives me discounts anyways! BOOYA!!
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