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Everything posted by Silvia-15

  1. im looking to buy a new aleas 2400lphexternal filter, has anyone had any experience with this range? its cheap... but is it reliable as well? like similar to the aqua ones? any advice appreciated, thanks
  2. burger king isnt helping either... bloody things cost 15l/100km, what a waste... anyways, sold my rav4 and i now live closer to uni and bus to work, saving bout $50 a week
  3. bio balls in this lil tank? where? lol, water changes would be a breeze :lol:
  4. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9XNSXNR9 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9D0VTZ3O http://www.megaupload.com/?d=O7OLKYG6 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NTCM6V75 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SMP6UBMJ http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DDSQSQMM http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VLS3XLJ8 there you go, warcraft 3, knock yourself out downloading it, may take a while... but you can pay for the megaupload account, maybe cost 20 bux, and if you have a fast onnection, should only take about 30 minutes to dl it. uhhh, mods, i dont know if i can post this, if not, just delete it and i wont do it again
  5. what kind of games you after, name a few and ill try to find it for you 8) 8)
  6. just finished all my exams, fun fun, now going to do overtime everyday to save up. gfs overseas atm, dont even have $ to buy new fish. and crappy weather means i cant even do anything, seems like theres nothing going for me. heh, maybe ill go emo...
  7. the dats about 25~cm and the clown half that, and its not a fat one either...
  8. added a clown loach and 2 hoplo catfish to deal with the worm and gunk pile up (only took one night and both problem solved) noticed the more aggressive of my 2 borneo tigers showing alot of interest in the clown... maybe it thinks its another borneo, u know, with the whole orangy stripe thing going on. i mean, is it safe for the loach? because if the borneo attacks its pretty much dead meat. is it something to worry about?
  9. I MIGHT BEEEEEE, i have a suspicion that my gf is saving up for a blue xback!!! if shes not, ill just have to get it myself, expect this around end of year or next latest. unless i decide to pay for my student loan... couldnt get any other kind of silver at the time... really wanted a black
  10. umm, my tank has thousands and thousands of tiny white worms, they are about 5mm in length and 1/2mm thick. huge numbers float in the water after each water change till only a small porportion is left crawling on the tank sides. what are these and how do i get rid of them, so far they havnt done anything to the fish but they just dont look nice. and i cant take a pic because they are too tiny for my crappy camera. thanks
  11. not nearly as bad... i ordered 2 sacks of red gravel from a shop, it was in april... every time i go or ask, the owner says "itll be in next week and ill call you" i dont even know what to do, but i do find bare bottom tanks easier to clean
  12. in 3 months ur tetra may grow 3cm, but the rest of your fish will grow more, they will probably eat the fish... im sure whem my oscar was 8inches, it had no problem eating a 7cm fish
  13. i believe it totals to about... 1 give the man some time, hes a good man, came all the way to my house to set up my 6ft, at 10pm at night, not a slacker i assure you
  14. hey guys, so IF a fish is on the list does that mean we CAN order it with a fish store?
  15. just thought id share ornates and sen pink tail chalcus and aro the two dats and the overflow and tank thats a 6x2x2 with a wet dry trickle tower, still need to get gravel in there, im getting red sand. but the shop i ordered it from is taking a while... busy. also planning to chuck one giant lily or sword plant of some sort, and when i save up, ill probably get a nice light. but right now i am enjoying the ease of scooping out fishpoo every day without any real build up. any feedback would be nice, also suggestions for future developwment. thanks
  16. mostly NZ allowable, seeing if its allowed, then i have hope.
  17. damn, thought i heard wrong when i heard they were on the list while i was wandering about in a fish shop. cant remember where tho... speaking of which, can we have access to the list? im after new fish, havnt bought anything for too long. got any suggestions and VinsonMassif, have you gone fishing for these?
  18. the answer is probably no. im itchin because i havnt bought any fish for a few weeks
  19. OSCARS i think they are south american... mine scoffed all my snails... in face, it pigfaced pretty much everything else as well...
  20. yeah, probably just forget about the end bit promoting NLS. but i reckon the rest of the article has some good points. i always wanted to try that brand too. dunno what it looks like, i just stick with hikari.
  21. http://www.cichlid-food-canada.com/narticle.html heres an article i came across which i found very interesting and made a good read. gave some pretty good info on fish food and feedings.
  22. lol, what a angry guy... im sure people are just trying to help...
  23. dont think there is a difference in new zealand. theres the normal grey ones, and then the albino ones. over seas, other than the 2 mentioned above, then have white and yellow ones with black eyes, and they are either called platinum or golden senegals. feel free to correct me if im wrong
  24. for the big ones they just take the cube, but i filter the worms for the little ones in a mesh net. my water change is 40% every 4 days, 5 if im lazy. i also net out the poo every morning i hear that clean water aids the growth of fish. but ive never done a comparison. and if you want, you can give them a treat of live food once in a while but do NOT get them used to it. you can go to your local river and catch some glass shrimps, they are high in protein despite looking tiny and lacking in nutrition. any small fish are also accepted. any you said you will get one dat... hahaha im gonna bet you wont last a month till you go back to get another... then another...
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