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Everything posted by livingart

  1. as i understand it mammal meats contain fats, can raise cholesterol and are hard to digest, whereas the heart muscle doesnt please correct if i'm wrong
  2. you should be able to see where it is leaking from sit it on top of something with a tray underneath then track that leak down
  3. try this site for wild herps http://www.wildherps.com/families/Agamidae.html
  4. i will second that left that off the list
  5. is that people who fiddle about with arowana yes i am guilty what size is that one?
  6. he, is in with sharp nosed puffer, niger trigger, bannerfish, polka dot grouper, indo grouper, bristletooth tang all seem to get on fine, bannerfish has his hassling moments every now and again he might be a she as he can multi task, swims backwards and sideways at the same time
  7. called both my cowfish daisy some think it udderly ridiculous
  8. livingart

    Fish dying

    is it a new batch of the flake food?
  9. what was he eating before you got him?
  10. kadango looks like my females and the other looks like my lithobates
  11. i have found it can raise the agression level too in some individuals too when i raised cubs those put on live food in diet were more inclined to use their teeth and claws on you
  12. the indo may need stimulating with some live food to get him started feeding again the aro would be an expensive feed though, maybe a feeder fish
  13. i usually leave young in tank and syphon off the jelly once they are hatched they wiggle and break out of the egg and lay on bottom or attach to plants i usually start feeding a few brine shrimp after hatching starts and until they get big enough to handle daphnia good luck
  14. you learn something new each day \thanks for the correction
  15. hi henward ammonia comes out of the back end of the fish, poos and wees the gills are used to take in oxygen from the water that is passed over them fish can drown when there is no dissolved oxygen in the water or the gill filaments are coated or collapse ie when they are taken out of water increasing the surface disturbance in the tank will help to increase dissolved oxygen in the water
  16. good name for a jardini mine is barrie mundi
  17. good thing about the forum though is there is usually more than one person around to do a correction
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