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Everything posted by livingart

  1. i have dealt with large and agressive predators for almost 40 years, fish and animals and there are exceptions to the norm, it is all dependant on personalities of the animals/fish involved, oh and the people there are ways of diverting agression but no one way is the standard or the perfect answer these are goood rules to follow sometimes these big fish if owners can't find a home will be destroyed it is always worth taking a chance on homing them but make sure there is a backup or they can be seperated
  2. fish keeping is trial and error everyone can have different experiences and fish like humans have different personalities if you are going to try something that may or may not work at least have an alternative worked out beforehand in case things go wrong
  3. why not do overflow like on the reef tank?
  4. why do you have to cut euro bracing? why not do overflow like on the reef tank?
  5. it could pay to ask on this forum if there are any experienced frog keepers in your area that could help with what is wrong or replacements good luck
  6. if tank is too warm frogs can suffer from fungal infections of the skin check the tank for warmth and if you are going to replace the taddies etc. best to wash it before putting anything new in there fungus is sometimes not noticeable on the frog but it coats the skin a frogs skin is porous and can allow sprays, toxins etc to be absorbed into the frogs metabolism, so don't clean tank with any bleach or disinfectant boiling water and a good scrub is best sorry for your experience with the frogs etc
  7. got to agree with buldogod but then we don't know your next door neighbour
  8. it may be from a rabid or premature locust sorry bull dog havent had that happen to me repto may know though
  9. no sea swimming for me then 8)
  10. salt is best start Betadine is an iodine ointment sticks on wound better in a water situation, but won't let salt get to wound salt should be enough to fix it
  11. livingart

    Hi Im Melissa

    welcome the kids have left home so we are armlees and legless now
  12. iodine works well or salt baths twice a day after applying iodine leave turtle out of water for about 1/2 hour iodine ointment like Betadine works quite well or you can leave it and just keep an eye on the wound to make sure fungus doesn't develop
  13. welcome nice pics of the fish etc well done
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